Gtoby & A Loc
Rap Session #2

G Toby:
bitin emitim si n WU TANG
duni me dit , we got that BANG
i hy e kpus , thats my THANG
ket loj am da maid MAN
bad dog , the thug better ? you not
e kam listen mi miten habiten ,se priten tash
tash shut up & listen its a street thang
gang bang legend ma trent nket ven Shkupi reprezent
ma men,,, ha mut ti shloj tqent i rep
fillm tjep shisht si fat ass mshon nbas i roki keq
2 bad-ass still spitin ? fuck that teflon don
jom beton son ngjak gheton me gun e ti fol shka nuk jeton
rap snalna tu lan vokalla se shum kallna
si pidhat qe i kall parja e juve va pres veq ni FOUL
nket loj jeni HOUS
nqofse e ze veten real at'her move head and BOUNCE
like a bouss e kam ni mek , ni mac 11 ngjep
click-clack , kick-back when i attack
ntrack like a fuckin maniac so stay still ngom as i spit
nqofse i thu vetit mut than u the shit *BRO

A Loc:
Well I've done it before
I gotta do it again to tell 'em who brings the show
aty ku nuk jom prezent, nuk ka kurgjo
ti vazhdo edhe bone qka e ki menen me bo
nese thu se muziken e ki drog
at'her hajde bomi tok edhe bina n'overdoz
me secilin varg kallxoj se jam n'form
bini posht, pa pas nevoj n'asni rast me perdor forc
po bi forc si Cocaine in your nose
Lirikisht jom aj tipi you should fear the most
heci me fillmin tem, un nuk heci me koh
shkrimi jem o unik, nuk pret dikush mi dhan not
e dhunoj secilin beat qe m'bjen n'dor
bitat dojn me m'qit n'gjyq si kurva jom ti perdor
mos hin me bo diqka that you can't afford
ngoi shokt, n'beef me mu? ik ma shpejt mos bjer n'for!