How i wish i take you so far away
Far from the places pain full in it
How i wish i could make you
Feel like you did
You did in your childhood
Free from your sins

Ohh take my hand
I'll show you the land
Flowers gazing right at you face
Ohh look in my eyes
The universe trying to make you
Feel as you should

Ohh close your eyes
Choke yourself
Tell your daddy
That you're not coming back
Ohh follow the tunnel
The light in the end
You'll see the dreamland

Ohh take my hand
I'll show you the land
Flowers gazing right at you face
Ohh look in my eyes
The universe trying to make you
Feel as you should

Ohh close your eyes
Choke yourself
Tell your daddy
That you're not coming back
Ohh follow the tunnel
The light in the end
You'll see the dreamland

How i wish i could make you
Feel like you did
You did in your childhood
Free from your sins


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