You don't know when was the last time it felt right
What's the reason you cannot see a glimpse of light
Blame it on the weather or blame it on the times
It's taken all your power, conditional life
The friends you thought you had, where are they now?
It seems like they are lost
When you need some solid ground
The lovers you had, they made you feel
There's no use to fall
But you'll figure it out when you know
You're looking for yourself
You're looking for yourself
Honey, you're looking for yourself
And only you know where to search, nobody else!
The names, the rules, the frames limiting you
Like a dull, generic model that was made to be abused!
Well, that f**kin' puzzle was just made to dazzle
And drag your pieces apart
Don't sit and stare, there's nobody there
To shake off all the lie!
You look
Just need to look into yourself
Just look into yourself
Honey, just look into yourself
'Cause only you know where to search, nobody else!
No one knows what's going on under your skin
The seeker is the seeked one deep within
You're looking for yourself
You're looking for yourself
Honey, you're looking for yourself
And only you know where to search, nobody else!
The seeker is the seeked one deep within


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