Team OX
beums shipni kosov all night with albanian ghetto you can feel and keep this flow take your body and move your home nisna pej gilanit edhe drejt ne tiran mi kallxu reperit kush e ka venin e par qoni duart kejt tenalt thene kejt ne kete nat se sa her qe vi bi 300 vet armat u bashkun 2 shete e u hek ni kufi jena mbledh kejt bashk me kriju ni fuqi se jemi kejt shipatr edhe jemi kejt vllazni depertojn kejtat shtete se jemi rrit ne liri qyre qyre qysh bojku gjilani po festojkan e po beums spot deum this is for danc rrap tap tap haver sun um kap ajj hypi kerrit dostat pim pim bone sonte kejt tim tubim aketon tubim akteon dej mengjes argetim bone kejt ket sen hiq pa fitim.
e kupton ti this is ms still bich ule kryt ti e di n gjilani king big realy..
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
selektoj ne beat une kyqna ne rep..
me kapuqin ne kry me kanun vi apet
me lek ne gjep konsiderim je i vogel ti per mu..
mer ispirim duhesh hal mem ngu ..
shum fakt i sakt une vi..
posht nalt une rep une bi..
duart nalt kur une hi ..
ky osht fakt tjeter ski..
prezantim memi a.k.a
shuj tash stili dret hajde tash kejt
duart nalt pak ma shpejt..
e futja ti tash gaz e hiq mos e nal..
jemi ni mbretri e kemi veq ni krral..
se jemi lind e jemi rrit me gjak kejt shiptar ..
sna pret besa neve per as ni fjal..
pritan ti tash durrs kthemi him ne gjakov..
se kur kem na ne shkup simbolizum per kosov..
pritna o shiptar se po vim edhe pak ne vlor.
kemi plot shiptar qe jetojn ne diaspor.
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home
beums shipni kosov
all night with albanian ghetto
you cant feel and keep this flow
take your body and move your home


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