Anisa Veseli
Freestyle (Rzon)
Freestyle (Rzon)
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Stop plp plp
seni lame wtf
i cant hear form the top
pe bojna si nclub
tavolina koka plot
tu u dok si nspot
7 shi jackpot
teper komfort
jeni shum t'dopa
i got that cake from behind jo nuk o fake nah
seni lame wtf
i cant hear form the top
pe bojna si nclub
tavolina koka plot
tu u dok si nspot
7 shi jackpot
teper komfort
jeni shum t'dopa
i got that cake from behind jo nuk o fake nah
- Publikimi: 28/03/2021
- Ora: 18:44
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