Aria - Nonsense

Për tu parë dhe kuptuar më mirë, ky krijim muzikor erdhi tek fansat në prizmin vizual edhe me një videoklip muzikor, për produksionin e të cilit është bashkëpunuar me Creativ Films. Ky videoklip u publikua më 29 Qershor 2022.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
You told me I was nice once then I changed 
then I changed and I changed and I changed  
how could I not change what the 
things you did to me they were insane

you just gave me stress all the 
love changed into hatefulness

I'm a powerful girl myself I 
don't need no man to give me  

confidence I'm just shining 
like a star you want me back

you're sending me text messages no 
time to respond on busy chasing dreams  

yeah I'm busy chasing dreams yeah I'm busy chasing 
dreams yeah I'm busy chasing dreams giving myself  

the best I can you told me I was nice once 
then I changed then I changed and I changed and  

how could I not change with the things you did 
to me they weren't saying hey I saw you with  

someone else you just gave me stress all the love 
changed into hatefulness yeah all the love changed

a hatefulness goddess you're 
just not getting a second chance  

to play games with me understand it please

cause I don't wanna talk too much

someday you'll see me on big screen 
singing all the calls that I achieved

how could I not change what the 
things you did to me they were

you just gave me stress all the 
love changed into hatefulness  

yeah all the love changed your 
hatefulness other love changed you


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