Armend Miftari
For Someone I Loved
For Someone I Loved
Melodinë dhe tekstin e shkroi vetë artisti, teksa këngën e orkestroi Xoni.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
For someone,
I love once up on a time
For someone,
that never let me down,
For someone,
only the best wishes
are not enough,
For someone,
I had special in the past.
The world is not,
Like yesterday,
The life has got to go on,
Believe in your self,
for old time sake,
Don't you blame your self,
don't you ever hate.
You made me feel,
more than I am,
The world has moved so fast,
but nothing is the same,
it never was meant, for us,
to be apart,
Remember us
and listen, to your heart.
[Ref 2x]
The world is not,
Like yesterday,
The life has got to go on,
Believe in your self,
for old time sake,
Don't you blame your self,
don't you ever hate.
I love once up on a time
For someone,
that never let me down,
For someone,
only the best wishes
are not enough,
For someone,
I had special in the past.
The world is not,
Like yesterday,
The life has got to go on,
Believe in your self,
for old time sake,
Don't you blame your self,
don't you ever hate.
You made me feel,
more than I am,
The world has moved so fast,
but nothing is the same,
it never was meant, for us,
to be apart,
Remember us
and listen, to your heart.
[Ref 2x]
The world is not,
Like yesterday,
The life has got to go on,
Believe in your self,
for old time sake,
Don't you blame your self,
don't you ever hate.
- Publikimi: 15/03/2023
- Ora: 17:42
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- Orkestrimi: Xoni
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