How Come
So I changed, huh
You got a phone,
Pick it up, call me
How come, we don't even talk no mo',
And you don't even call no mo',
We don't barely keep in touch at all,
And I don't even feel the same love when we hug no mo',
And I heard it through the grape vine we been beefin' now,
After all the years we've been down,
Ain't no way, no how,
This bullshit can't be true,
We family, aint a damn thing change unless it's you
We were so young,
So full of life and vivrance,
Side by side wherever you was ridin', I went,
So close or most us some bonnie and clyde shit,
When Ronnie died you was right by my side,
With a shoulder to cry on and a tissue to wipe my eyes,
And a bucket to catch every tear I cried inside it,
You even had the same type of childhood I did,
Sometimes I just wanna know why,
Is it that you sur-came to yours,
And mine I survived it,
You ran the streets I nine to fived it,
We grew up, grew apart this time went by us,
Then I blew up to both yours and mine surprises,
Now I feel the vibe I just cant describe it,
Much as your pride tries to hide it,
You're cold your touch is just like ice,
And your eyes is the look of resentment,
I can sense it and I don't like it
It was my dream at first to be all spittin the verse,
On my own album with a deal but shit got worse,
So I came out I would'a killed a nigga first,
'fore I let him disrespect me,
Or check me up with somethin' worse,
Some bitch that I wasn't with,
I would'a hit her to would'a quit,
But you were plain talkin' to her,
And tell her she was the shit,
I told you don't get involved with her,
You were smoking the cron'c with her,
Coming out'a the bar with her,
Stumblin' half drunk,
Like y'all husband or wife or somthin',
But me catchin' he fuckin' other nigga,
Must've hurt your pride or somthin',
'cause you wolf I fit them after people,
Like you want it with me,
When all I tried to do is show you that your bitch was shifty,
And lyrics is the fans and all the shit that I produce,
You actin' like I ain't your man,
And lyin' like she can't be loose,
But I am really your friend,
I'm just trying to tell you the truth,
Don't hate the game or the playa',
The one that's changin is you
We gettin lonely at the top
Cuz my homie had to stop
Now we actin like I gotta live only for the block
And homies in the hood only see me on the tube
So they gossip on the porch, get ta speakin all rude
Fools I used to rap with, all expect magic
Like my finger get ta snappin and *poof* it just happen
But proof its just actin, at the party were stoned
Shady made it so my babys aint starvin at home
See the devil in your grin, since the ghetto we been friends
Forever, real intelegience, thats forever till the end
I peep the hatred in your eyes and the satan in your lie
Aint wastin my time with these snakes in disguise
(how come) when you talk its with bitter respite
(and how come) its my fault for what you did with your life
And every time I go to hear you and play you look away
We barely embrace, you cant even look me in my face.
You got a phone,
Pick it up, call me
How come, we don't even talk no mo',
And you don't even call no mo',
We don't barely keep in touch at all,
And I don't even feel the same love when we hug no mo',
And I heard it through the grape vine we been beefin' now,
After all the years we've been down,
Ain't no way, no how,
This bullshit can't be true,
We family, aint a damn thing change unless it's you
We were so young,
So full of life and vivrance,
Side by side wherever you was ridin', I went,
So close or most us some bonnie and clyde shit,
When Ronnie died you was right by my side,
With a shoulder to cry on and a tissue to wipe my eyes,
And a bucket to catch every tear I cried inside it,
You even had the same type of childhood I did,
Sometimes I just wanna know why,
Is it that you sur-came to yours,
And mine I survived it,
You ran the streets I nine to fived it,
We grew up, grew apart this time went by us,
Then I blew up to both yours and mine surprises,
Now I feel the vibe I just cant describe it,
Much as your pride tries to hide it,
You're cold your touch is just like ice,
And your eyes is the look of resentment,
I can sense it and I don't like it
It was my dream at first to be all spittin the verse,
On my own album with a deal but shit got worse,
So I came out I would'a killed a nigga first,
'fore I let him disrespect me,
Or check me up with somethin' worse,
Some bitch that I wasn't with,
I would'a hit her to would'a quit,
But you were plain talkin' to her,
And tell her she was the shit,
I told you don't get involved with her,
You were smoking the cron'c with her,
Coming out'a the bar with her,
Stumblin' half drunk,
Like y'all husband or wife or somthin',
But me catchin' he fuckin' other nigga,
Must've hurt your pride or somthin',
'cause you wolf I fit them after people,
Like you want it with me,
When all I tried to do is show you that your bitch was shifty,
And lyrics is the fans and all the shit that I produce,
You actin' like I ain't your man,
And lyin' like she can't be loose,
But I am really your friend,
I'm just trying to tell you the truth,
Don't hate the game or the playa',
The one that's changin is you
We gettin lonely at the top
Cuz my homie had to stop
Now we actin like I gotta live only for the block
And homies in the hood only see me on the tube
So they gossip on the porch, get ta speakin all rude
Fools I used to rap with, all expect magic
Like my finger get ta snappin and *poof* it just happen
But proof its just actin, at the party were stoned
Shady made it so my babys aint starvin at home
See the devil in your grin, since the ghetto we been friends
Forever, real intelegience, thats forever till the end
I peep the hatred in your eyes and the satan in your lie
Aint wastin my time with these snakes in disguise
(how come) when you talk its with bitter respite
(and how come) its my fault for what you did with your life
And every time I go to hear you and play you look away
We barely embrace, you cant even look me in my face.
Si Ka Mundesi
Pra un ndryshova,huh
a ke telefon?
ngrije, më telefono
Si Ka Mundesi, ne madje as nuk flasim më,
dhe ti as nuk thërret më,
ne as nuk kontaktojm thuajse fare,
madje un nuk e ndjej më të njejten dashuri kur perqafohemi,
dhe ne kemi qenë te perforcuar me hardhi rrushi e tani,
pas gjith viteve qe ishim bashk,
nuk mund te jet,jo si,
keto gjepura s'mund te jen t'verteta,
ne jemi nje familje,dhe as nje dreq gjeje se ndryshon vetem nese e ben ti.
Ne ishim shum te rinj
me jeten dhe vibrancen,
krah per krah kudo qe ti vozitje,une shkoja,
shum te afert ose Bonnie Clyde,
kur Ronnie vdiq ti ishe tamam perkrah meje,
me nje shpatull per te qarë dhe nje shami per ti fshir syt e mi,
dhe nje kovë per te rënë çdo lot i imi qe e qaja perbrenda,
ti madje kishe te njejten femijeri si un,
ndonjeher dua thjesht te di pse,
a eshte sepse ti u riktheve tek e jotja,
dhe e imja un mbijetova,
ti kalon ne rrug un në nent te pesten,
ne u rritem,u rritem larg kesaj kohe pas nesh,
pastaj un shpertheva tek të dy dhe surprizat e mija,
Tani ndjehem vibe thjesht s'mund t'a pershkruaj,
me shum se krenaria jote qe mundohet ta fsheh,
ti je i ftoht prekja jote eshte si akull,
dhe syt e tu shikojn me fyerje,
nuk mund ta kuptoj dhe nuk me pelqen.
Ne rradh te par ishe endrra ime te shkruaja vargje,
ne albumin tim me nje marrveshje por gjerat shkuan keq,
Keshtu un erdha dhe to ta vrisja nje nigga ne fillim,para se ta lija ate te mos me respektojë,
ose te me kontrrolloj me diqka me te keqe,
nje bushter me te cilen nuk isha,
do ta godisja ate dhe do te hiqja dor,
por ti po qartesoheshe duke folur me te,
dhe duke i then se ishte nje mut.
te thash mos u perziej me te,
ti ishe duke tymosur duhanin me te,
duke ardhur ne bar me të,
gjysme i dehur,
sikur te ishit burr e grua ose diqka,
por un e kapa ate me nje tjeter,
me siguri do e kem thyer krenarin tende ose diqka,
sepse ti ishe ujk un te pershtata pas njerezve,
sikur e doje me mua,
kur gjithqka qe po perpiqesha te te 3goja ishte se bushtra jote eshte e pakapshme,
dhe teksti eshte fansat dhe çdo mut qe prodhova,
ti po ben sikur un nuk jam shoku yt,
dhe duke genjyer sikur ajo nuk mund te jet e lirshme,
por un jam ver8 shoku yt,
vetem po perpiqem te te them te verteten,
mos e urrej lojen
i vetmi qe ka ndryshuar je ti.
Ne jemi vetem ne maj
sepse shoku im duhej te ndalonte,
tani ne po bejm sikur un duhet te jetoj vetem per bllok
dhe shoket ne lagje me shohin vetem ne tube
keshtu ata bejn thashetheme ne verand,flasin te gjithe te pasjellshem
Budallenjet un bej rep me gjithqka perveq magjis
sikur gishti im te kap dhe "poof" thjesht ndodh
por Proof thjesht po aktron
Shady e beri dhe vogelushet e mija nuk do te ngordhin ne shtepi
e shoh djallin ne zbardhuesin e dhembeve te tu,derisa ne ishim shokë
pergjithmon,inteligjenc e vertet,kjo eshte pergjithmon deri ne fund
un shoh urrejtje ne syt e tu dhe shejtanin ne genjeshtren tende
nuk do ta humb kohen me gjith keto gjarperinj te fshehur
[si mund te vije] kur ti flet eshte me afat te hidhur
[dhe si mund te vije]eshte faji im per ate qe bere me jeten tende
dhe sa here qe vi te te degjoj duke luajtur ti shikon larg
ne turperohemi,ti nuk mund as te me shikosh ne fytyr.
a ke telefon?
ngrije, më telefono
Si Ka Mundesi, ne madje as nuk flasim më,
dhe ti as nuk thërret më,
ne as nuk kontaktojm thuajse fare,
madje un nuk e ndjej më të njejten dashuri kur perqafohemi,
dhe ne kemi qenë te perforcuar me hardhi rrushi e tani,
pas gjith viteve qe ishim bashk,
nuk mund te jet,jo si,
keto gjepura s'mund te jen t'verteta,
ne jemi nje familje,dhe as nje dreq gjeje se ndryshon vetem nese e ben ti.
Ne ishim shum te rinj
me jeten dhe vibrancen,
krah per krah kudo qe ti vozitje,une shkoja,
shum te afert ose Bonnie Clyde,
kur Ronnie vdiq ti ishe tamam perkrah meje,
me nje shpatull per te qarë dhe nje shami per ti fshir syt e mi,
dhe nje kovë per te rënë çdo lot i imi qe e qaja perbrenda,
ti madje kishe te njejten femijeri si un,
ndonjeher dua thjesht te di pse,
a eshte sepse ti u riktheve tek e jotja,
dhe e imja un mbijetova,
ti kalon ne rrug un në nent te pesten,
ne u rritem,u rritem larg kesaj kohe pas nesh,
pastaj un shpertheva tek të dy dhe surprizat e mija,
Tani ndjehem vibe thjesht s'mund t'a pershkruaj,
me shum se krenaria jote qe mundohet ta fsheh,
ti je i ftoht prekja jote eshte si akull,
dhe syt e tu shikojn me fyerje,
nuk mund ta kuptoj dhe nuk me pelqen.
Ne rradh te par ishe endrra ime te shkruaja vargje,
ne albumin tim me nje marrveshje por gjerat shkuan keq,
Keshtu un erdha dhe to ta vrisja nje nigga ne fillim,para se ta lija ate te mos me respektojë,
ose te me kontrrolloj me diqka me te keqe,
nje bushter me te cilen nuk isha,
do ta godisja ate dhe do te hiqja dor,
por ti po qartesoheshe duke folur me te,
dhe duke i then se ishte nje mut.
te thash mos u perziej me te,
ti ishe duke tymosur duhanin me te,
duke ardhur ne bar me të,
gjysme i dehur,
sikur te ishit burr e grua ose diqka,
por un e kapa ate me nje tjeter,
me siguri do e kem thyer krenarin tende ose diqka,
sepse ti ishe ujk un te pershtata pas njerezve,
sikur e doje me mua,
kur gjithqka qe po perpiqesha te te 3goja ishte se bushtra jote eshte e pakapshme,
dhe teksti eshte fansat dhe çdo mut qe prodhova,
ti po ben sikur un nuk jam shoku yt,
dhe duke genjyer sikur ajo nuk mund te jet e lirshme,
por un jam ver8 shoku yt,
vetem po perpiqem te te them te verteten,
mos e urrej lojen
i vetmi qe ka ndryshuar je ti.
Ne jemi vetem ne maj
sepse shoku im duhej te ndalonte,
tani ne po bejm sikur un duhet te jetoj vetem per bllok
dhe shoket ne lagje me shohin vetem ne tube
keshtu ata bejn thashetheme ne verand,flasin te gjithe te pasjellshem
Budallenjet un bej rep me gjithqka perveq magjis
sikur gishti im te kap dhe "poof" thjesht ndodh
por Proof thjesht po aktron
Shady e beri dhe vogelushet e mija nuk do te ngordhin ne shtepi
e shoh djallin ne zbardhuesin e dhembeve te tu,derisa ne ishim shokë
pergjithmon,inteligjenc e vertet,kjo eshte pergjithmon deri ne fund
un shoh urrejtje ne syt e tu dhe shejtanin ne genjeshtren tende
nuk do ta humb kohen me gjith keto gjarperinj te fshehur
[si mund te vije] kur ti flet eshte me afat te hidhur
[dhe si mund te vije]eshte faji im per ate qe bere me jeten tende
dhe sa here qe vi te te degjoj duke luajtur ti shikon larg
ne turperohemi,ti nuk mund as te me shikosh ne fytyr.
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