Skllavëri Moderne
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Nderhyrje ne matric
Jea a Lindim ne kte bot te pa vetedijshem komplet na bombardojne me vaksina pa mbushur 1 ore ne jet nuk esht me deshir shoku je i detyruar s'futesh dot ne shkoll nese sje i vaksinuar kompanit farmaceotike skan lidhje me shendetesin korporatar i financojn qe te helmojne popullesin kjo eshte me se e vertet ulu dhe mendoje thelle nese na sherojne te gjithve sdo t ken me klientel,
Shkon me shkoll qe ne mengjes ku truri esht akoma ne gjum te pergatisin qe tani qe neser te shkosh ne pune je nxenes i mir nese memorizon mesimin dhe pse ske kuptuar gje shkruaj dicka kalo provimin
Po kush i shkruan kto libra ne te cilat ti meson kush i miraton kush i financon po te nejtat korporata nuk te len qe te shohesh driten sduan qe te jesh i zgjuar se nje dit ju mer poziten, Vjen dita diplomohesh dhe kerkon te punesohesh punedhenesit kerkojne vetem staf me eksperienc por ngjan si komedi, ku ta fitosh ti eksperiencen? kur 15 vjet ne shkolle ke ber vetem teori
Me ne fund e gjen nje pune dhe zgjohesh heret ne mengjes vrapon qe te kapesh autobuzin qe mos t'ikesh me vones
Nuk te ben me pershtypje,je mesuar qe ne shkoll ploteso tete-orarshin ule koken dhe mos fol!
Skllaveri moderne
Skllever jena ende!
Me pranga te padukeshme
Te vendosura ne mendje
Njerezime nen kontroll
Ne permasa shum ekstreme!

Politikanet financohen po ashtu nga korporatat ku mendon se i gjej paret? per te ber fushata
Nderkohe populli vuan kta n'tv nxjerrin spote
Derdhen lek per budalliqe dhe pastaj thon "skemi fonde " ne qenderr lahen me shampanje, rrethen vuajn per ushqim por keta jan egoista dhe per neve sduan t'ja din
Tallin bythen ne parlament,neve heshtim fatkeqesisht nese tenton ti kundershton vritesh me sniper publikisht!
Sistemi monetar sundoj gjithcka prej fillimit manipulimi me i madhe ne historine e njerezimit
Banka boterore esht institucion privat pse te shkosh te punosh kur ata printojn parat
Jan familje shum te forta, lozin monopuli me boten
As me rrog maksimale ske shans te ngresh koken
Pronovojne matrializem, kan gjith mediat nen kontroll
Na pergatisin qe tani, per rendin e ri boteror!
Cdo bised monitorohet, rregjistrohet dhe arkivohet
Ti mendon se ke te drejta por anje e drejt nuk respektohet
Kjo situat nuk u kriju brenda nates si me magji
Plani i tyre ne funksion qe ne lashtesi
Por nese flet per keto gjerashoqeria te menjanon
Te gjith i dit keto fakte por bejne sikur s'kuptojn
Jan te varur nga sistemi shplarja e trurit funksionon
Gjerat jan me te thella, varet si i shikon!

Skllaveri moderne
Skllever jena ende!
Me pranga te padukeshme
Te vendosura ne mendje
Njerezime nen kontroll
Ne permasa shum ekstreme!

Modern Slavery
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Breaking the matrix

Yeah we're born into this world
completely unconscious,
they bombard us with three vaccines
before completing an hour alive.

Its not your choice bro
you are obliged,
can't go to school
if you aren't vaccinated

Pharmaceutical companies
have no connection with health,
corporates fund them
to poison the population

This is more than true
sit and think deep about it,
if they cure us all
they wont have any clients

Go to school in the morning
while the brain is still sleeping,
they're preparing you now
so tomorrow you'll go to work

You're a good student
if you memorize the lesson,
even if you understood nothing
write something, pass the exam

But who writes these books
from which you learn,
who approves
and who funds them?

The same corporations
wont let you see light,
they don't want you to be smart
because one day you take their position

Comes the day you graduate
and look for a job,
workplaces look for experienced staff
it feels like a comedy, where can you find experience
when 15 years in school, you've done only theory.

Finally you find a job and wake up in the morning
you run to catch the bus so you wont be late,
i doesn't matter anymore because you're used to it since school
complete the 8 hours lower your head and shut up

Modern slavery
we're still slaves
with invisible handcuffs placed on mind
this is modern slavery
we're still slaves
humanity under control
in extreme quantities

Resist! Resist! Resist!
Resist! Resist! Resist!
Resist! Resist! Resist!
Resist! Resist! Resist!
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