Eliza Hoxha & Rosela Gjylbegu
Rruga E Zemres
Flag ShqipShqip
Sa here e thyer
sa here e lodhur
sa here me friken se ku po gabon
tek vetja jote
je gjithçka qe kerkon

As koken ulur
as e perbuzur
kurre mos qendro
as kurre mos lejo
tek vetja jote
je gjithçka qe kerkon

Ti beso...
ne fuqine e zemres tende
dhe mos harro
se per vete ti vendos
drejt vazhdo(drejt vazhdo)
dhe atehere kur ti rrezohesh
mos ndalo asnjehere
as kur jeta te dëshpëron

Nje rruge e humbur
nje e pamundur
kurre mos mendo
se eshte jeta per ty
mos u dorzo
ti ne vete mos dysho

Nje rruge e humbur nje e pamundur
mos thuaj kurre
se eshte jeta per ty
mos u dorzo ti
ne vete mos dysho

Ti besoooooo
ne fuqine e zemres tende
dhe mos harro
per vete ti vendos
drejt vazhdo(drejt vazhdo)
dhe atehere kur ti rrezohesh
mos ndalo asnjehere
as kur jeta te deshpron

Mos u tremb nga asgje
qe ty jeta te sfidon

Ne zemren tende ti beso
ajo s'te mashtron

haaahaaa haaaaaa
Dielli per ty rrezon
ku do qe je ku do qe shkon
dielli per ty rrezon
rrugen tende ta ndriçon

Rrugen e zemres tende
asnjehere mos e ndalo
(mos e ndalo)(mos e ndalo)

Rrugen e zemres tende asnjeher mos e ndalo
(mos e ndalo)(mos e lesho)

Asnjehere mos e lesho...

ti beso ne fuqine e zemres tende
mos harro
se per vete ti vendos
drejt vazhdo(drejt vazhdo)
dhe atehere kur ti rrezohesh
mos ndalo asnjehere
as kur jeta te deshperon

ti beso ne fuqine e zemres tende...

Mos harro se per vete ti vendos...

Path Of Heart
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Whenever broken
whenever tired
with fear whenever where is deceitful
to yourself
are all seeking

As head down
nor the displeased
Never central
Never even let
to yourself
are all seeking

You believe ...
the power of your heart
and do not forget
that for him to decide
to go
and then when you fall
not ban ever
or when the life of dëshpëron

A street of lost
an impossible
Never think
that is life for you
not dorzo
I do not suspect itself

A street of lost an impossible
Do not say never
that is life for you
Do not you dorzo
we do not suspect him

You besoooooo
the power of your heart
and do not forget
for them to decide
to go
and then when you fall
not ban ever
or when the life of deshpron

Do not be afraid of nothing
that challenges you to life

In your heart you believe
it deceives S'te

haaahaaa haaaaaa
Sun for you Rrezon
where will that you where that goes
sun for you Rrezon
your way to illuminate

Address of your heart
Never Stop
(Do not Stop) (Do not Stop)

Address of your heart Never Stop
(Do not Stop) (not rain)

Never do that again ...

I believe in the power of your heart
do not forget
that for him to decide
to go
and then when you fall
not ban ever
or when the life of deshperon

I believe in the power of your heart ...

Do not forget that for them to decide ...

Towards go
to then be handed over when you
not ban ever
or when the life of deshperon