Greta Thaçi - Side To Side
Greta Thaçi
Side To Side

Jo vetëm radio dhe audio streaming, sepse produkti muzikor është finalizuar në tregun e gjerë të muzikës i plotësuar me mjaft shije edhe me anë të një klipi muzikor, i cili u publikua më 17 Dhjetor 2016.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
I've been there all night, Ariana
I've been there all day, Nicki Minaj
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
Let them hoes know

I'm talkin' to ya
See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('bout nothin')
I'm comin' at ya
'Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('bout nothin')

These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...

I've been there all night
I've been there all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been there all night
I've been there all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (side to side)

Been tryna hide it
Baby, what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?
Makin' everybody think that we solo
Just as long as you know you got me (you got me)
And boy I got ya
'Cause tonight I'm making deals with the devil
And I know it's gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me

These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...

I've been there all night
I've been there all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (side to side)
I've been there all night
(Been there all night, baby)
I've been there all day
(Been there all day, baby)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (side to side)
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