Guy Sebastian
Make Heaven Wait
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
I see you smiling every day
Looking back at me like nothing ever changed
I swear i heard you call my name
But in reality
Its just your picture in the frame

Why am i here
Without you
When there was so much for us left to do
How could the angels have come so soon

If i could make heaven wait
I'd find a way to ask god if he had
Made some mistake
If he'd save your wings
For another day
If only i could make heaven wait

All your clothes are hanging up
Not a thing's been touched
I left it all the same
I wish i could press rewind
And go back in time
Just to see your face again
Cos i miss you
I need you
I'm so alone without you here with me
You are the reason that i breathe

If i could make heaven wait
I'd find a way to ask god if he had
Made some mistake
If he'd save your wings
For another day
If only i could make heaven wait

And every night i search for your star
In the sky
(asking why oh why)
Lord knows i would trade in my life for
A chance to say goodbye

If i could make heaven wait
I'd find a way to ask god if he had
Made some mistake
If he'd save your wings
For another day
If only i could make heaven wait
Te Bej Qiellin Te Prese
Flag ShqipShqip
Te shoh duke buzeqeshur cdo dite
duke me shikuar sikur asgje nuk ka ndryshuar
te betohem se degjova duke thirrur emrin tim
por ne realitet
eshte vetem fotografia yte ne kuader

Pse jam une ketu
pa ty
kur kishte mbetur aq shume qe ne dy te bejme
si munden engjujt te vijne kaq shpejt

Po te mund ta beja qiellin te prese
do gjeja nje rruge qe ta pyes zotin
nese ka bere ndonje gabim
nese mund t'i shpetoje krahet e tu
per nje dite tjeter
po vetem te mund ta beja qiellin te prese

gjitha rrobat tua jane te varura
asnje gje nuk eshte prekur
I lashe te gjitha njejte
sa kisha dashur te kthej kaseten mbrapa
dhe te kthehem prapa ne kohe
vetem ta e shoh fytyren tende perseri
sepse me mungon
me nevojitesh
jam shume i vetmuar ketu pa ty
ti je arsyeja qe une marre fryme

Po te mund ta beja qiellin te prese
do gjeja nje rruge qe ta pyes zotin
nese ka bere ndonje gabim
nese mund t'i shpetoje krahet e tu
per nje dite tjeter
po vetem te mund ta beja qiellin te prese

Dhe cdo nate kerkoj per yllin tend ne qiell
duke pyetur pse ohhh pse
Zoti e di se do te shes jeten time
per mundesi te them lamtumire

Po te mund ta beja qiellin te prese
do gjeja nje rruge qe ta pyes zotin
nese ka bere ndonje gabim
nese mund t'i shpetoje krahet e tu
per nje dite tjeter
po vetem te mund ta beja qiellin te prese
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