Jon Tarifa Ft. Eneda Tarifa

you’ve been around since forever
you changed my forever for the better
better than a best friend,
I had to get a pen
and dedicate a song to you,
or better yet write you a long letter
I see the beauty in your beauty,
quick to think
of all the smiles and tears through the thick and thin
you helped me stay focused in the midst of things
and gave me the strength I need to fight my weaknesses
done committing sins, loyal ever since we first met
I was convinced we shared the same interests
you understand my lifestyle, even though my life’s wild
you’re the reason why I smile in the morning when I wake up now
you speak to my soul and project how my life sounds
you make me feel all emotions at once
the best thing that ever happened
there can’t be two numbers ones
I don’t wanna say good bye
look what we built together
a castle on the golden clouds
and now they wanna take it down
no matter how hard I try
I don’t know how to keep it together
we built a home on holy ground
and now you wanna break it down
I wanna know how you really doing,
tell me how you been
I’ve seen you recently you had some bruises on your skin
and I can not take it, what used to be sacred
is now half naked, at times conveys hatred
I don’t mean to be distant,
but I just can’t listen to these rappers who dissing
one another for no reason,
they need to quit it this isn’t
Tthe way that the system was initially designed to be
authentic lyricism is missing
you’re more simplistic, less artistic
I see you on the internet going ballistic
your characteristics are not the same
strictly business when the money came
to take you away from your main aim
I know it’s insane, I can feel your pain
music I love you, put nothing above you
no matter what happens I will always be thinking of you
I don’t wanna say good bye
look what we built together
a castle on the golden clouds
and now they wanna take it down
no matter how hard I try
I don’t know how to keep it together
ee built a home on holy ground
and now you wanna break it down
you changed my forever for the better
better than a best friend,
I had to get a pen
and dedicate a song to you,
or better yet write you a long letter
I see the beauty in your beauty,
quick to think
of all the smiles and tears through the thick and thin
you helped me stay focused in the midst of things
and gave me the strength I need to fight my weaknesses
done committing sins, loyal ever since we first met
I was convinced we shared the same interests
you understand my lifestyle, even though my life’s wild
you’re the reason why I smile in the morning when I wake up now
you speak to my soul and project how my life sounds
you make me feel all emotions at once
the best thing that ever happened
there can’t be two numbers ones
I don’t wanna say good bye
look what we built together
a castle on the golden clouds
and now they wanna take it down
no matter how hard I try
I don’t know how to keep it together
we built a home on holy ground
and now you wanna break it down
I wanna know how you really doing,
tell me how you been
I’ve seen you recently you had some bruises on your skin
and I can not take it, what used to be sacred
is now half naked, at times conveys hatred
I don’t mean to be distant,
but I just can’t listen to these rappers who dissing
one another for no reason,
they need to quit it this isn’t
Tthe way that the system was initially designed to be
authentic lyricism is missing
you’re more simplistic, less artistic
I see you on the internet going ballistic
your characteristics are not the same
strictly business when the money came
to take you away from your main aim
I know it’s insane, I can feel your pain
music I love you, put nothing above you
no matter what happens I will always be thinking of you
I don’t wanna say good bye
look what we built together
a castle on the golden clouds
and now they wanna take it down
no matter how hard I try
I don’t know how to keep it together
ee built a home on holy ground
and now you wanna break it down
Se Bashku

TI ke qen rreth e rrotull gjithmon
Ti me ke ndryshuar gjithmon per mire
Me mire se nje shok i mire
Un kisha marre nje stilolaps
Dhe te dedikova nje kenge ty
Ose me mire shkruajta nje leter te gjate
Une shoh bukurine ne bukurine tende
Shpejt per tu menduar
Per te gjitha buzeqeshjet dhe lotet e dendur dhe te dobet
Ti me ndihmove te qendroj i fokusuar ne mes te gjerave
Dhe me dhe force per te luftuar dobesite e mia
Kam bere mekate por kam qendruar besnik qe kur u takuam per here te pare
Kam qen i bindur qe ndajme te njejtat interesa
Ti ke kuptuar stilin e jetes sime edhe pse jeta ime eshte e eger
Ti je arsyeja pse une qesh ne mengjes kur zgjohem tani
Ti flet me shpirtin tim dhe projekton tingullin e jetes time
Ti me ben te ndjej te gjitha emocionet njekohesisht
Gjeja me e mire qe ndonjehere me ka ndodhur
Nuk mund te jene dy numer 1
Nuk dua te te them lamtumire
Shiko cfare kemi ndertuar bashke
Nje keshtjelle mbi rene e arte
Dhe ata duan ta hedhin poshte
Nuk ka rendesi sesa fort perpiqem
Nuk di sesi do ta mbaj te bashkuar
Ndertuar kjo ndertese ne toke te shejte
Dhe tani doni qe ta hidhni poshte
Un dua ta di se si do ja beni
Me tregoni si keni qene
Kohet e fundit kam pare qe ti ke pasur disa plage ne lekure
Dhe un nuk mund ta mar ate,cfare perdoret per te qene i shejte
Tani eshte gjysem lakuriq,ne kohe percjell urrejtje
Nuk do te thote te jemi te larget
Por un nuk mund ta degjoj kete
Nga nje tjeter pa asnje arsye
Ata kane nevoje te heqim dore
Mënyrë që sistemi është projektuar fillimisht të jetë
lirika autentike mungon
Ti je më e thjeshtë, më pak artistike
Unë ju shoh në internet shkon balistike
Karakteristikat tuaja nuk janë të njëjta
Rreptësisht të biznesit, kur erdhi paraja
Per te te marre ty larg nga qellimi yt
E di qe eshte cmenduri por mund te ndjej dhimbjen tende
Muzik te dua , Por nuk ve asgje para teje
Nuk ka rendesi se cfar ndodh un do te jem gjithmon duke menduar per ty
Nuk dua te te them lamtumire
Shiko cfare kemi ndertuar bashke
Nje keshtjelle mbi rene e arte
Dhe ata duan ta hedhin poshte
Nuk ka rendesi sesa fort perpiqem
Nuk di sesi do ta mbaj te bashkuar
Ndertuar kjo ndertese ne toke te shejte
Dhe tani doni qe ta hidhni poshte
Ti me ke ndryshuar gjithmon per mire
Me mire se nje shok i mire
Un kisha marre nje stilolaps
Dhe te dedikova nje kenge ty
Ose me mire shkruajta nje leter te gjate
Une shoh bukurine ne bukurine tende
Shpejt per tu menduar
Per te gjitha buzeqeshjet dhe lotet e dendur dhe te dobet
Ti me ndihmove te qendroj i fokusuar ne mes te gjerave
Dhe me dhe force per te luftuar dobesite e mia
Kam bere mekate por kam qendruar besnik qe kur u takuam per here te pare
Kam qen i bindur qe ndajme te njejtat interesa
Ti ke kuptuar stilin e jetes sime edhe pse jeta ime eshte e eger
Ti je arsyeja pse une qesh ne mengjes kur zgjohem tani
Ti flet me shpirtin tim dhe projekton tingullin e jetes time
Ti me ben te ndjej te gjitha emocionet njekohesisht
Gjeja me e mire qe ndonjehere me ka ndodhur
Nuk mund te jene dy numer 1
Nuk dua te te them lamtumire
Shiko cfare kemi ndertuar bashke
Nje keshtjelle mbi rene e arte
Dhe ata duan ta hedhin poshte
Nuk ka rendesi sesa fort perpiqem
Nuk di sesi do ta mbaj te bashkuar
Ndertuar kjo ndertese ne toke te shejte
Dhe tani doni qe ta hidhni poshte
Un dua ta di se si do ja beni
Me tregoni si keni qene
Kohet e fundit kam pare qe ti ke pasur disa plage ne lekure
Dhe un nuk mund ta mar ate,cfare perdoret per te qene i shejte
Tani eshte gjysem lakuriq,ne kohe percjell urrejtje
Nuk do te thote te jemi te larget
Por un nuk mund ta degjoj kete
Nga nje tjeter pa asnje arsye
Ata kane nevoje te heqim dore
Mënyrë që sistemi është projektuar fillimisht të jetë
lirika autentike mungon
Ti je më e thjeshtë, më pak artistike
Unë ju shoh në internet shkon balistike
Karakteristikat tuaja nuk janë të njëjta
Rreptësisht të biznesit, kur erdhi paraja
Per te te marre ty larg nga qellimi yt
E di qe eshte cmenduri por mund te ndjej dhimbjen tende
Muzik te dua , Por nuk ve asgje para teje
Nuk ka rendesi se cfar ndodh un do te jem gjithmon duke menduar per ty
Nuk dua te te them lamtumire
Shiko cfare kemi ndertuar bashke
Nje keshtjelle mbi rene e arte
Dhe ata duan ta hedhin poshte
Nuk ka rendesi sesa fort perpiqem
Nuk di sesi do ta mbaj te bashkuar
Ndertuar kjo ndertese ne toke te shejte
Dhe tani doni qe ta hidhni poshte
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