Kat Dahlia

You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
(1) Yeah I’m young, 21, living in a crazy world
But I know the difference between a man and a herb
You frontin’ like you got it, claim they hittin on your wallet
Gucci telling you the time and you watch it
No I ain't stunting like my daddy, he’s livin’ with my granny
Used to be a big baller, he's surviving off of gambling
But I love him he’s my daddy, yeah I love him he’s my daddy
Put him in a big house before I ever see a Grammy
And my mommy started working days at the church
Finding faith in God cause the real world hurts, so much evil lurks
They just make us work but we can’t find work
Abuela, mommy and the girls in a one bedroom
South beach lifestyle, they just paying for the view
Mommy on the couch since she was 42
Sacrificing for the kids cause that’s what mommies do
So I smoke my spliff, I spliff it hard
Candi says to stop, my voice is getting too harsh
So I sobered up and my thoughts they rush
And now I think of you behind bars
Cross state lines, they spliffing good
In Miami you catch a charge and the whole family tears apart
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
(2)And this recession so depressing
My parents don’t stop stressing
Just hoping I learned all their lessons
Mmm and I’m paying for this session, I’m paying for this session
And I’m paying rent, food, clothes, phones, christmas presents
Six shots in, I’m just counting all my blessings
No days off baby, I ain’t resting
I told my sins, now I'm done confessing
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
(3)One way to the top, I'll make with what I got
You want my number, baby, I’m on a mission, catch up
Men selling love like thieves
But when the girlie leaves he’ll start flirting with me
So I took on my heart, off my sleeve
Never trust a man cause they all hungry
Yeah, they all hungry
Never trust a man cause they all hungry
(4)Right when you thought you had me
Baby, you just lost someone
Finally got over you
Baby, time to move on
Never learned your lesson
Ain’t even gon' question
Why it went so wrong
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
(1) Yeah I’m young, 21, living in a crazy world
But I know the difference between a man and a herb
You frontin’ like you got it, claim they hittin on your wallet
Gucci telling you the time and you watch it
No I ain't stunting like my daddy, he’s livin’ with my granny
Used to be a big baller, he's surviving off of gambling
But I love him he’s my daddy, yeah I love him he’s my daddy
Put him in a big house before I ever see a Grammy
And my mommy started working days at the church
Finding faith in God cause the real world hurts, so much evil lurks
They just make us work but we can’t find work
Abuela, mommy and the girls in a one bedroom
South beach lifestyle, they just paying for the view
Mommy on the couch since she was 42
Sacrificing for the kids cause that’s what mommies do
So I smoke my spliff, I spliff it hard
Candi says to stop, my voice is getting too harsh
So I sobered up and my thoughts they rush
And now I think of you behind bars
Cross state lines, they spliffing good
In Miami you catch a charge and the whole family tears apart
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
(2)And this recession so depressing
My parents don’t stop stressing
Just hoping I learned all their lessons
Mmm and I’m paying for this session, I’m paying for this session
And I’m paying rent, food, clothes, phones, christmas presents
Six shots in, I’m just counting all my blessings
No days off baby, I ain’t resting
I told my sins, now I'm done confessing
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one
(3)One way to the top, I'll make with what I got
You want my number, baby, I’m on a mission, catch up
Men selling love like thieves
But when the girlie leaves he’ll start flirting with me
So I took on my heart, off my sleeve
Never trust a man cause they all hungry
Yeah, they all hungry
Never trust a man cause they all hungry
(4)Right when you thought you had me
Baby, you just lost someone
Finally got over you
Baby, time to move on
Never learned your lesson
Ain’t even gon' question
Why it went so wrong
You say you a gangsta, that don’t impress me none
You say you a gangsta, ain’t seen a thing you've done
I do it all on myself, I ain’t getting help
From no one, from no one

Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
(1) Jam e re 21, jetoj ne nje bote te cmendur por e di diferencen midis nje mashkulli dhe nje marijuane
Ti paraqitesh sikur ke, kerkesat sulmojne kuleten tende.
Gucci te tregon kohen dhe ti e shikon.
Jo un nuk mashtroj si babai im, ai jeton me plaken.
Ka qene lojtar, ai po mbijeton jashte kumarit.
Por une e dua, ai esht babai im, po une e dua se esht babai im.
E cova ne nje shtepi te madhe perpara se te shihja nje Grammy.
Dhe mamaja ime filloi te punonte ne kishe. Gjeti besimin tek Zoti sepse fjalet te lendojne, kaq shume genjeshtra djallzore.
Ato na beren te punojme por ne nuk gjetem pune.
Abuela, mami dhe vajzat ne nje dhome.
Deti jugut, ata paguajne per pamjen.
Mami shtrire ne krevat qe kur ishte 42.
Sakrifikonte per femijet sepse kete bejne mamate.
Pra un fillova te tymosja, te tymosja shume.
Kendi me tha te ndaloja, zeri im po behej i trashe.
Keshtu u kthjellova dhe mendimet e mia nxituan.
Dhe tani mendoj per ty nderkohe qe shkruaj kete kenge.
Kaloj kufirin, ata tymosin mir.
Ne Majemi ti kapesh ne padi dhe e gjithe familja percahet.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
(2) Dhe ky largim kaq depresues
Prinderit e mi nuk ndalojne se stresuari
Thjesht shpresoj ti kem mesuar te gjitha keshillat e tyre.
Mmm dhe jam duke paguar per kete sezon, jam duke paguar per kete sezon.
Dhe jam duke paguar qirane, ushqime, rroba, telefona, dhurata Krishtlindjesh.
6 gota alkol, po numroj bekimet e mia.
Asnje dite nuk do ndaloj, skam per te pushuar.
I tregova mekatet e mia, tashi jam lodhur duke u shprehur.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
(3)Nje menyre per tja arritur, do tja dal me ate qe kam.
Ti don numrin tim, baby, une kam nje qellim.
Djem qe shesin dashurine si hajduta.
Por kur ajo goca e la, ai filloi te flirtonte me mua.
Pra une i shpreha emocionet e mia, si mbajta per vete.
Mos i beso kurre nje mashkulli sepse ata jane te gjithe te uritur (per para, sexm fame etj)
(4)Pikerisht kur mendove se me kishe, baby, ti sapo humbe dike.
Me ne fund te harrova
Baby, koha per te levizur
Asnjehere nuk i mesova ato qe me the
As mos pyet
Pse shkoi kaq keq.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
(1) Jam e re 21, jetoj ne nje bote te cmendur por e di diferencen midis nje mashkulli dhe nje marijuane
Ti paraqitesh sikur ke, kerkesat sulmojne kuleten tende.
Gucci te tregon kohen dhe ti e shikon.
Jo un nuk mashtroj si babai im, ai jeton me plaken.
Ka qene lojtar, ai po mbijeton jashte kumarit.
Por une e dua, ai esht babai im, po une e dua se esht babai im.
E cova ne nje shtepi te madhe perpara se te shihja nje Grammy.
Dhe mamaja ime filloi te punonte ne kishe. Gjeti besimin tek Zoti sepse fjalet te lendojne, kaq shume genjeshtra djallzore.
Ato na beren te punojme por ne nuk gjetem pune.
Abuela, mami dhe vajzat ne nje dhome.
Deti jugut, ata paguajne per pamjen.
Mami shtrire ne krevat qe kur ishte 42.
Sakrifikonte per femijet sepse kete bejne mamate.
Pra un fillova te tymosja, te tymosja shume.
Kendi me tha te ndaloja, zeri im po behej i trashe.
Keshtu u kthjellova dhe mendimet e mia nxituan.
Dhe tani mendoj per ty nderkohe qe shkruaj kete kenge.
Kaloj kufirin, ata tymosin mir.
Ne Majemi ti kapesh ne padi dhe e gjithe familja percahet.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
(2) Dhe ky largim kaq depresues
Prinderit e mi nuk ndalojne se stresuari
Thjesht shpresoj ti kem mesuar te gjitha keshillat e tyre.
Mmm dhe jam duke paguar per kete sezon, jam duke paguar per kete sezon.
Dhe jam duke paguar qirane, ushqime, rroba, telefona, dhurata Krishtlindjesh.
6 gota alkol, po numroj bekimet e mia.
Asnje dite nuk do ndaloj, skam per te pushuar.
I tregova mekatet e mia, tashi jam lodhur duke u shprehur.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
(3)Nje menyre per tja arritur, do tja dal me ate qe kam.
Ti don numrin tim, baby, une kam nje qellim.
Djem qe shesin dashurine si hajduta.
Por kur ajo goca e la, ai filloi te flirtonte me mua.
Pra une i shpreha emocionet e mia, si mbajta per vete.
Mos i beso kurre nje mashkulli sepse ata jane te gjithe te uritur (per para, sexm fame etj)
(4)Pikerisht kur mendove se me kishe, baby, ti sapo humbe dike.
Me ne fund te harrova
Baby, koha per te levizur
Asnjehere nuk i mesova ato qe me the
As mos pyet
Pse shkoi kaq keq.
Ti thua qe je gangsta, kjo nuk me ben pershtypje
Ti thua qe je gangsta, skam pare gje nga ty
I bej te gjitha vet, skam marre ndihme nga askush, nga askush.
Komente 1