Laud O
Projekti prezantohet para një audience më të gjerë i realizuar me mjaft shije edhe me anë të një klipi muzikor, i cili u përgatit nga Andi Haxhihyseni. Ky videoklip u publikua me datë 27 Shtator 2023. Melodinë dhe tekstin e krijoi Dritan Xhelili, teksa produksionin audio e prodhoi Olsi Gjondedaj.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Kid and all the joy to have
Much to play and much to share
Who knew you were just there
Heart and mind to take care of
While nobody seemed to say
A word of you and your novelle
Teen and all the things to ask
Answers found all by myself
World seemed fine with friends
Yours was too hard to guess
But you showed a narrow path
Opened in a white of bliss
Will I ever fail this long way?
Will I ever turn my face and stray?
Will you ever leave me go away?
Will you make it for me hard and strained?
When the storm is on me
I can fear the strong hit
But heart beats the words you've pleased
And mind receives your grace
When the sun is on me
We've been talking lonely
In the silence of a city's voice
A stream of love and joyce
Don't allow us ever separated
And forgive me when I am there only because in need
Water the seeds that I have planted
in the wilderness
It's the wisdom of this world hunting them
Make me able of receiving
So much you can give
You know before me what I am needing
You've been loving me forever,
No need to earn it.
It took me only to believe... now to belong
Much to play and much to share
Who knew you were just there
Heart and mind to take care of
While nobody seemed to say
A word of you and your novelle
Teen and all the things to ask
Answers found all by myself
World seemed fine with friends
Yours was too hard to guess
But you showed a narrow path
Opened in a white of bliss
Will I ever fail this long way?
Will I ever turn my face and stray?
Will you ever leave me go away?
Will you make it for me hard and strained?
When the storm is on me
I can fear the strong hit
But heart beats the words you've pleased
And mind receives your grace
When the sun is on me
We've been talking lonely
In the silence of a city's voice
A stream of love and joyce
Don't allow us ever separated
And forgive me when I am there only because in need
Water the seeds that I have planted
in the wilderness
It's the wisdom of this world hunting them
Make me able of receiving
So much you can give
You know before me what I am needing
You've been loving me forever,
No need to earn it.
It took me only to believe... now to belong
- Publikimi: 27/09/2023
- Ora: 03:33
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- Artist kryesor:
- Producent:
- Muzika: Dritan Xhelili
- Teksti: Dritan Xhelili
- Rec: Wav Audio Production
- Regjisor video: Andi Haxhihyseni
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