Meriton Ademi
A Thu?

A thu a ish kan ma leht un e ti vet me met
A thu a osht ma mir dikon njet mos me prek
Shum ta kisha fal nese se paku m’kishe vet
Kallzom ti qysh me dal prej ksaj teme qe mka djeg
Ej, e kalumja o msim
Vazhdo perpara mos e le si asyetim se
Secila plag e ka ni tregim
Qdo tregim flet qysh jeta gjen deshtim hej nuk o neser nese ti menon per dje
Nuk je gabim qe nuk je si ata qe i njeh
Zemra but n’boten e eger so dobsi
Amo ushtroje ti mendjen mi pa t’mirat qe i ki
Dil n’lekuren tem ama ni zgjedhje momentale, momentet kur sekondat tjetes tem po mi ndrrojn kahjet
E di osht e padrejt se njerzit dallojne n’morale
E di qe quhet krim kur afektet jon vendimarrje
Pse asaj qe e ki sja din rendsin
Pse gjith duhet ka ni fakt me na bind
është rrjedhoje e jetes me bo mire se t’mirat vin
Amo qa me bo ateher kur tu bo t’mira ty t’kqija t’bin
A thu a ish kan ma leht un e ti vet me met
A thu a osht ma mir dikon njet mos me prek
Shum ta kisha fal nese se paku m’kishe vet
Kallzom ti qysh me dal prej ksaj teme qe mka djeg (2x)
Thom falna Zot jena mbush mekate plot nuk menojm para gabimit tani dojm me fshi me lot
U lagen dje po djegem sot ni dit e mir e kish ni mot
E sa menime stimulime pantonime veprime kot
Jom une menime nashta njoni prej atyne ma mir e ha kafshaten e paster jo me dor t’perlyme
Se n’bot ku jetojm e vetmja e vertet o familja e rrall shoqnia... prrall dashnia
A thu a osht ma mir dikon njet mos me prek
Shum ta kisha fal nese se paku m’kishe vet
Kallzom ti qysh me dal prej ksaj teme qe mka djeg
Ej, e kalumja o msim
Vazhdo perpara mos e le si asyetim se
Secila plag e ka ni tregim
Qdo tregim flet qysh jeta gjen deshtim hej nuk o neser nese ti menon per dje
Nuk je gabim qe nuk je si ata qe i njeh
Zemra but n’boten e eger so dobsi
Amo ushtroje ti mendjen mi pa t’mirat qe i ki
Dil n’lekuren tem ama ni zgjedhje momentale, momentet kur sekondat tjetes tem po mi ndrrojn kahjet
E di osht e padrejt se njerzit dallojne n’morale
E di qe quhet krim kur afektet jon vendimarrje
Pse asaj qe e ki sja din rendsin
Pse gjith duhet ka ni fakt me na bind
është rrjedhoje e jetes me bo mire se t’mirat vin
Amo qa me bo ateher kur tu bo t’mira ty t’kqija t’bin
A thu a ish kan ma leht un e ti vet me met
A thu a osht ma mir dikon njet mos me prek
Shum ta kisha fal nese se paku m’kishe vet
Kallzom ti qysh me dal prej ksaj teme qe mka djeg (2x)
Thom falna Zot jena mbush mekate plot nuk menojm para gabimit tani dojm me fshi me lot
U lagen dje po djegem sot ni dit e mir e kish ni mot
E sa menime stimulime pantonime veprime kot
Jom une menime nashta njoni prej atyne ma mir e ha kafshaten e paster jo me dor t’perlyme
Se n’bot ku jetojm e vetmja e vertet o familja e rrall shoqnia... prrall dashnia
I Wonder

I wonder if it would be easier for you and me to be left alone
I wonder if it's better to not touch anyone's feelings
i would forgive you if you at list would ask for it
just tell me how to get out of this situation that burns me
EY, the past is a lesson
keep on going don make it an excuse cause,
every burden it has its own story
every story tells the fails of life hey, there's no, tomorrow if you think about yesterday
Your not wrong for not being like the others you know,
its not a weakness to have a soft heart in the wild world
but open your mind to see all the good things you have
get in my shoes and give me a solution for a moment, the moments when the seconds of life changes my paths
I know its not fair cuz people make differences on morals
I know its a crime when affects are decisions
Why don't you value what you have
why we need fact's to be convinced
It's rule of the life to do good so you get good
but what can we do when doing good we get bad
I wonder if it would be easier for you and me to be left alone
I wonder if it's better to not touch anyone's feelings
i would forgive you if you at list would ask for it
just tell me how to get out of this situation that burns me
I say 'God, forgive us we are full of sins'
we don't think before mistakes, then we try to cover them with tears
watered yesterday, burned today, a good day have its season
so many thoughts, stimulations, pantomimes, stupid actions
maybe Im the one of those who thinks of better take a clean bite, not with dirty hands
cause in this world we live the only truth its family, rarely friendship..loves fairytale
I wonder if it's better to not touch anyone's feelings
i would forgive you if you at list would ask for it
just tell me how to get out of this situation that burns me
EY, the past is a lesson
keep on going don make it an excuse cause,
every burden it has its own story
every story tells the fails of life hey, there's no, tomorrow if you think about yesterday
Your not wrong for not being like the others you know,
its not a weakness to have a soft heart in the wild world
but open your mind to see all the good things you have
get in my shoes and give me a solution for a moment, the moments when the seconds of life changes my paths
I know its not fair cuz people make differences on morals
I know its a crime when affects are decisions
Why don't you value what you have
why we need fact's to be convinced
It's rule of the life to do good so you get good
but what can we do when doing good we get bad
I wonder if it would be easier for you and me to be left alone
I wonder if it's better to not touch anyone's feelings
i would forgive you if you at list would ask for it
just tell me how to get out of this situation that burns me
I say 'God, forgive us we are full of sins'
we don't think before mistakes, then we try to cover them with tears
watered yesterday, burned today, a good day have its season
so many thoughts, stimulations, pantomimes, stupid actions
maybe Im the one of those who thinks of better take a clean bite, not with dirty hands
cause in this world we live the only truth its family, rarely friendship..loves fairytale
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