Mimoza H
The Wild Woman
The Wild Woman
Projekti muzikor vjen tek shikuesit i kompletuar në spektrin vizual me anë të një videoklipi muzikor, i cili u publikua me datë 23 Qershor 2016. Për këtë këngë ka punuar tekstin vetë artistja. Kënga që në dëgjim të parë duket sikur një tentim për të dalë nga vetja por që pas dy-tri dëgjimeve të tjera e kupton thellësinë që në fakt ka të bëjë me gjetjen e vetvetes. Edhe pse kënga nuk duket sa ka bërë bujë të madhe, projekti i saj duket ambicioz. E nga kjo këngë dhe video duket sikur Mimoza H e ka gjetur vetën në muzikën që mund të quhet pak "kaotike" pasi është një përzierje e tingujve elektronik me alt-pop e art-rock pa harruar neo-tradicionalen dhe ndikimin e "erës së errët" qysh edhe njihet në muzikë si "ethereal wave". Xhirimet janë bërë nga i dashuri i saj, rexhisori i filmit, kanadazi Stephane Lapointe, i cili duket se e ka bërë videon e sajë me përkushtim, pasi që vërehet një punë e mire e kamerës, ngjyrave dhe performacës së Mimozës dhe një vajze tjetër, e cila performon nudo në video.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Am I insane, or is it just a crave that I miss?
We're all shining
Cause in the dark
We're all shining
I see lights
Death dancing with my brain
Washing out the pain
Soul can be injured, hurt and illed
But never, never killed
Digging deep
The wild woman who lives beneath
She's the soul-maker, wolf-raiser
Keeper of things wild
No spark, no light
darkness shines, everything is quiet
Hold on to the feeling
Of being old while young and young while old
Of being old while young, young while old
Of being old while young
Her dried bones
Cracks in the soil
Heart-aching echoes
Avowing hidden secrets
Touching the dark
Smelling the fire above
No stars, no light
Darkness shines, everything is quiet
Hold on to the feeling
Of being old while young and young while old
Of being old while young, young while old
(no stars, no light)
Of being old while young
(darkness shines, no light)
Young while old
(everything sparks)
Of being old, while young
(no light, no stars, darkness shines)
Cause when you're frail, you will unveil
and when you’re frail
You will unveil your truth
We're all shining
Cause in the dark
We're all shining
I see lights
Death dancing with my brain
Washing out the pain
Soul can be injured, hurt and illed
But never, never killed
Digging deep
The wild woman who lives beneath
She's the soul-maker, wolf-raiser
Keeper of things wild
No spark, no light
darkness shines, everything is quiet
Hold on to the feeling
Of being old while young and young while old
Of being old while young, young while old
Of being old while young
Her dried bones
Cracks in the soil
Heart-aching echoes
Avowing hidden secrets
Touching the dark
Smelling the fire above
No stars, no light
Darkness shines, everything is quiet
Hold on to the feeling
Of being old while young and young while old
Of being old while young, young while old
(no stars, no light)
Of being old while young
(darkness shines, no light)
Young while old
(everything sparks)
Of being old, while young
(no light, no stars, darkness shines)
Cause when you're frail, you will unveil
and when you’re frail
You will unveil your truth
- Publikimi: 23/06/2016
- Ora: 07:11
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