Mimoza H - Cycles Of Birth And Death
Mimoza H
Cycles Of Birth And Death

Pritshmëritë ishin të mëdha, ndaj ky projekt paraqitet tek audienca i plotësuar me mjaft shije edhe me një videoklip muzikor, për video produksionin e të cilit u përkujdes Stéphane Lapointe. Videoklipi u publikua me datë 20 Tetor 2020. Autore e tekstit dhe producente e këngës është vetë artistja.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
beautiful, alluring
fresh as spring water
she rose gracefully
to another, to another man
Who fell to her magic spell

her scent
between his fingers

the dance of the death woman
reflecting the colors of life
beautiful cycles
of death and birth
of birth and death
of birth and death

and birth and death…
and birth and death
of birth and death

she rose gracefully
to another man
to another man
she rose gracefully

her magic spell, her magic spell

she rose gracefully
to another man
who fell to her magic spell


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