Mjellma Istrefi - Open
Mjellma Istrefi

Për një impakt sa më të madh, ky projekt bëhet i disponueshëm para një audience më të gjerë i plotësuar mjaft mirë me videoklip muzikor, i cili u publikua me datë 8 Prill 2019.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
I'm a fool for that shake in your thighs
I'm a fool for that sound in your sighs
I'm a fool for your barely
I'm a fool for your love

I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you're faded
Hmm, but stay, don't close your hands
I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you're faded
Hmm, but stay, don't close your hands

Caught in this pool held in your eyes
Caught like a fool without a line
We're in a natural spring
With this gentle sting between us

I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you're faded
Hmm, but stay, don't close your hands
I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you're faded
Hmm, but stay, don't close your hands

Ooh, stay open
Ooh, stay open

Stay open
Stay open

I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you're faded
Hmm, but stay, don't close your hands
I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you're faded
Hmm, but stay, don't close your hands

Stay open
Stay open
Stay open

Hmm, stay open
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