Nertila Vreto Ft. Nazif Cela
Lala Gjoni
Flag ShqipShqip
hani pini dhe kendoni
sa te jete lala gjoni

po te flas nga uashingtoni
si jeni dajo andoni
cfare thuhet nga albania
punet hallet shoqeria

jemi bere moj mbesolle
si fisheku pa kapsolle
i bejme punet me karar
dhe flasim ne celular

lum e lum sa mire jetoni
amerikes ia kaloni
hani pini e kendoni
sa te jete lala gjoni

me trego dajo andoni
si shkoni ne gjitoni
me thuaj nje thashethem
qofte per gra vajza e djem

sjane fare ne terezi
sidomos ky brezi i ri
vajzat gjoja ne shkolle shkojne
po ne disko perfundojne

lum e lum sa mir jetoni
amerikes ja kaloni
sot fejhet lala gjoni
hani pini e kendoni
sa te jete lala gjoni

o bobo gjith keto ndryshime
nga biloti si ne shpin time
juve keni pun me mik
merreni me politik

lere fare moj lanate
do te kete muabet
me llokum e me lezet
aj te fala me shendet

lum e lum sa mir jetoni
amerikes ja kaloni
hani pini e kendoni
sa te jete lala gjoni
Lala John
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Eat drink and sing
as soon as lala john is alive

I am talking from washington
How are you Uncle Andon
How is Albania
Jobs Problems Society

We are like the bullet
Without body, Niece
We work with right amount
We talk with cellular

River, River you are good there
You pass over the America
Eat drink and sing
as soon as lala john is alive

tell me uncle Andon
how are the neighbours
tell me a rumour
let it be for boys,ladies and girls

Their minds are gone
worse is this new generation
In fact girls aren't going to school
But instead they go to the disco

River, River you are good there
You pass over the America
Eat drink and sing
as soon as lala john is alive

Oh bobo with this changes
From bilot is like my house
you have your job with comarade
you have friend politicians

leave it lanete
we will have a conversation
with llokum and cuteness
and giving health

River, River you are good there
You pass over the America
Eat drink and sing
as soon as lala john is alive
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