Arilena Ara & Pirro Çako
Zero Gradë

Jam akoma une qe po te flas,
dhe pse vite kane kaluar.
A do doje prape te me takoje,
nga e para, ta filloje?
Sa shume mesazhe,
te kam derguar;
E penduar.
Pse ti hesht?
Une ndjese te kam kerkuar.
Koha do m’i mbylle te gjitha plaget,
nuk do vdes une,
se ti ike.
U sherova nga magjia jote,
dhe se lashe, zemren te dilte.
Te gjitha vajzat, mbajne emrin tend,
kur i shikoj.
Dhe akoma sot, sot,
prape te mendoj.
do te doja une pa ty, pa ty,
t’mos ekzistoja.
Ne nje tjeter bote me mire, me mire,
te te shikoja.
Zemren ta mbyllja,
ne nje kuti.
Vetem te ishim une dhe ti.
Zero gradë te ngrime, te ngrime,
ne perjetesi.
Po ta kthenim kohen si dikur ne,
nuk e di, a do fitonim.
Nga distanca larget une kam mbet,
vec nje skllave telefoni.
Pirro x Arilena:
Jam une akoma, a te kujtohem.
Prape jetoj.
Nje takim te fundit, te fundit,
po kerkoj.
Do te doja une pa ty, pa ty,
t’mos ekzistoja.
Ne nje tjeter bote me mire, me mire,
te te shikoja.
Zemren ta mbyllja,
ne nje kuti.
Vetem te ishim une dhe ti.
Zero gradë te ngrime, te ngrime,
ne perjetesi.
Pirro x Arilena:
Une ekzistoj vetem per ty.
Une po jetoj vetem per ty.
Enderroj te jemi,
bashke te dy.
Veten genjej sikur jetoj.
Pernate ne enderr, te shikoj.
Pak nga pak, per ty,
une po mbaroj.
Veten genjej sikur jetoj.
Pernate ne enderr, te shikoj.
Pak nga pak, per ty,
une po mbaroj.
Jam akoma une qe po te flas,
dhe pse vite kane kaluar.
A do doje prape te me takoje,
nga e para, ta filloje?
Sa shume mesazhe,
te kam derguar;
E penduar.
Pse ti hesht?
Une ndjese te kam kerkuar.
Koha do m’i mbylle te gjitha plaget,
nuk do vdes une,
se ti ike.
U sherova nga magjia jote,
dhe se lashe, zemren te dilte.
Te gjitha vajzat, mbajne emrin tend,
kur i shikoj.
Dhe akoma sot, sot,
prape te mendoj.
do te doja une pa ty, pa ty,
t’mos ekzistoja.
Ne nje tjeter bote me mire, me mire,
te te shikoja.
Zemren ta mbyllja,
ne nje kuti.
Vetem te ishim une dhe ti.
Zero gradë te ngrime, te ngrime,
ne perjetesi.
Po ta kthenim kohen si dikur ne,
nuk e di, a do fitonim.
Nga distanca larget une kam mbet,
vec nje skllave telefoni.
Pirro x Arilena:
Jam une akoma, a te kujtohem.
Prape jetoj.
Nje takim te fundit, te fundit,
po kerkoj.
Do te doja une pa ty, pa ty,
t’mos ekzistoja.
Ne nje tjeter bote me mire, me mire,
te te shikoja.
Zemren ta mbyllja,
ne nje kuti.
Vetem te ishim une dhe ti.
Zero gradë te ngrime, te ngrime,
ne perjetesi.
Pirro x Arilena:
Une ekzistoj vetem per ty.
Une po jetoj vetem per ty.
Enderroj te jemi,
bashke te dy.
Veten genjej sikur jetoj.
Pernate ne enderr, te shikoj.
Pak nga pak, per ty,
une po mbaroj.
Veten genjej sikur jetoj.
Pernate ne enderr, te shikoj.
Pak nga pak, per ty,
une po mbaroj.
Zero Degrees

I'm still the one talking to you,
even though years have passed.
Would you like to meet me again,
from the beginning, to start over?
How many messages,
I've sent you;
Why are you silent?
“I'm sorry”, I've asked for you.
Time will heal all my wounds,
I won't die,
because you're gone.
I was healed by your magic,
and I didn't let my heart come out.
All the girls,
bear your name,
when I look at them.
And still today,
I still think of you.
I wish I,
without you,
without you,
to not have existed.
In another, better,
better world,
to see you.
I would lock my heart,
in a box.
If only it were just you and me.
Zero degrees, freeze, freeze,
for eternity.
If we could turn back time like we used to,
I don't know if we would win.
From a distance, I'm left,
only a phone slave.
Pirro x Arilena:
It's still me, do you remember.
I'm still alive.
A last, last meeting,
I'm looking for.
I wish I, without you,
To not have existed.
In another, better, better world,
to see you.
I would lock my heart,
in a box.
If only it were just you and me.
Zero degrees, to freeze, to freeze,
in eternity.
Pirro x Arilena:
I exist only for you.
I'm living only for you.
I dream of being,
the two of us together.
I lie to myself as if I'm alive.
At night in my dreams, I see you.
Little by little, for you,
I'm coming to an end.
I lie to myself as if I am alive.
At night in my dreams, I see you.
Little by little, for you,
I am coming to an end.
I'm still the one talking to you,
even though years have passed.
Would you like to meet me again,
from the beginning, to start over?
How many messages,
I've sent you;
Why are you silent?
“I'm sorry”, I've asked for you.
Time will heal all my wounds,
I won't die,
because you're gone.
I was healed by your magic,
and I didn't let my heart come out.
All the girls,
bear your name,
when I look at them.
And still today,
I still think of you.
I wish I,
without you,
without you,
to not have existed.
In another, better,
better world,
to see you.
I would lock my heart,
in a box.
If only it were just you and me.
Zero degrees, freeze, freeze,
for eternity.
If we could turn back time like we used to,
I don't know if we would win.
From a distance, I'm left,
only a phone slave.
Pirro x Arilena:
It's still me, do you remember.
I'm still alive.
A last, last meeting,
I'm looking for.
I wish I, without you,
To not have existed.
In another, better, better world,
to see you.
I would lock my heart,
in a box.
If only it were just you and me.
Zero degrees, to freeze, to freeze,
in eternity.
Pirro x Arilena:
I exist only for you.
I'm living only for you.
I dream of being,
the two of us together.
I lie to myself as if I'm alive.
At night in my dreams, I see you.
Little by little, for you,
I'm coming to an end.
I lie to myself as if I am alive.
At night in my dreams, I see you.
Little by little, for you,
I am coming to an end.
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