Rapit - Crew

Teksti :: Song Lyrics
The owners control the corporations
They own and control the corporations
that long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress,
The state houses, the City Halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies.
So they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They gotcha by the ball's

se me dit se qa qa qa thuuu qa qa
se me dit se qa me ngu qa qaaa qa qaaa thuuu
Coming thrruu
me with my crew or my gang
Sa dush fol ti slang
kur te nin chiki chik bang bang
Se ishim me ni mision
ku dilshin ishin me ni mishin ku rrishin
Ishin me ni mision
Ku se dishin ka jishin se ishin
Me emocione tbuta me vetila tquta alltijat en kuka kur vjen puna te puna ikin e kapen e mshelen sikur mirachuga
Po nhiphop kerkush ma nuk kallxohen tutsa
nese hiphopi ish kon porniq bi**h lirisht thirrem kamastura
K k k kamasutra k k k kamasutra sa trrin ti me kurva e sheh tfluget kudra
Mos ha me goj po kape edhe ha me lug
se tbohet puna llug
Ski nevoj me kap shum mu gut
se nkit rast shum para hup edhe shum ma perparahup
Se nkit rast o si mu Ishu prej ajroplanit ti pa parashut
Hajde e kapem e bojna naj trip e qijna naj dhip
e pijna naj splif e koyrem naj film
Deri sa bohem krejt si sick sick sick sick sick sick you can lick my dick
Sa ma frik and my shit en dakik dont mess with with with my click
Auuuuuu se me dit se qka qka qka?
Se me dit qka qka qka qka??


Did you make alot of money out of your music?
I mean how much money is alot of money to you?
Thats a good question!
Have you might signs millions of dollars?
Are you a rich man?
When you mean rich what you mean?
You have a lot of possessions, lot of money in the bank
Possessions make you rich?
I don't have that type of richness,
my richness is life forever
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