M'ke Harru
Flag ShqipShqip
Zemer ti se din po per mu je kokain
Tu nigju muzik dhe mendimet jon kan mvin
Po kta nuk e din sa dashni
Kom mbajte mbi shpin
E ky shpirti im e di pse raki po pi
Rrugt shum tzbehta
Po si ti nuk gjeta
E kur ty tgjeta
Mu mu zgjat jeta
Trendafil i vyshkur tash i vjen era
Ti ma njeh shpirtin
Ti mi din vlerat
Thone se vera esht e mire
Sa me gjate rri
Po se di
A ekziston ky term ne dashni
Shoqet mos i nij ato kan shpirtin e zi
Tu fol keq per mu ato tjapin merzi
A po doket vetja si P*dhsome
Ti se din kti cunit ca i bone
Po hajt tash
Leje leje ska ma fore
Ti me mu!Hë harroje!(Harroje)
Edhe nese mki harru
Kujna po i thu te du?
Ti per mu ke maruuuu
Veten se gjen pa mu
Edhe nese mki harru
Kujna po i thu te du?
Ti per mu ke maruuuu
Veten se gjen pa mu
Hypur me nji benzooo
Veshun krejt me kenzoo
Femnat high class
She want a party with a dancfloor
Benzo Kenzo grupin e kom bando
Femnen mos ma nguc
Se vi e tmarr peng bro
Ajo mtha mu sdo mo dramaa
Un jom tu e pi si mariuanaaa
Syte e saj shkelqejn sikur hanaaa
Femna tjera sdo mo nanaaaa
Ajo i ka te tana Louis Fendi çantat
Gucci edhe Prada shpia plot dhurata
Dashnia mpremtoj ama une sja kthej mrapa
Une jam pro saj deri sa tbjen nata
Dj Flor Bana
Shut down Tirana
Everything lock off
Shut down Tirana
Bad boy 4life vec njo e ka Tirana(Prrrrahhh)
Karramele zana
Edhe nese mki harru
Kujna po i thu te du?
Ti per mu ke maruuuu
Veten se gjen pa mu
Edhe nese mki harru
Kujna po i thu te du?
Ti per mu ke maruuuu
Veten se gjen pa mu
Edhe nese mki harru
Kujna po i thu te du?
Ti per mu ke maruuuu
Veten se gjen pa mu
Edhe nese mki harru
Kujna po i thu te du?
Ti per mu ke maruuuu
Veten se gjen pa mu
You Forgot Me
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Honey, you know, you're cocaine for me
Zemer ti se din po per mu je kokain

You listen to music and our thoughts are moving
Tu nigju muzik dhe mendimet jon kan mvin

They don't know how much you love them
Po kta nuk e din sa dashni

Kom carried on his back
Kom mbajte mbi shpin

And my soul knows why I'm drinking brandy
E ky shpirti im e di pse raki po pi

Very dark road
Rrugt shum tzbehta

Like you, I didn't find it
Po si ti nuk gjeta

And when I found you
E kur ty tgjeta

My life is getting longer
Mu mu zgjat jeta

The withered rose now smells
Trendafil i vyshkur tash i vjen era

You know my soul
Ti ma njeh shpirtin

You know my values
Ti mi din vlerat

They say that the wine is good
Thone se vera esht e mire

The longer you stay
Sa me gjate rri

I don't know
Po se di

Does this term exist in love?
A ekziston ky term ne dashni

Don't know my friends, they have a black soul
Shoqet mos i nij ato kan shpirtin e zi

You talk bad about me, they are boring
Tu fol keq per mu ato tjapin merzi

Are you looking like P*dhsome
A po doket vetja si P*dhsome

You know what they did
Ti se din kti cunit ca i bone

I'm eating now
Po hajt tash

Permission permission ska ma fore
Leje leje ska ma fore

You and me! Forget it! (Forget it)
Ti me mu!Hë harroje!(Harroje)
Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu

Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu
Entered with a benzooo
Hypur me nji benzooo

I wear all kenzoo
Veshun krejt me kenzoo

High class women
Femnat high class

She wants a party with a dance floor
She want a party with a dancfloor

Benzo Kenzo group of kom bando
Benzo Kenzo grupin e kom bando

Don't bother me, woman
Femnen mos ma nguc

I'm taking you hostage, bro
Se vi e tmarr peng bro

She said no drama
Ajo mtha mu sdo mo dramaa

I don't drink it like marijuana
Un jom tu e pi si mariuanaaa

Her eyes sparkle like hanaaa
Syte e saj shkelqejn sikur hanaaa

Other women don't care
Femna tjera sdo mo nanaaaa

She has our Louis Fendi bags
Ajo i ka te tana Louis Fendi çantat

Gucci and Prada were full of gifts
Gucci edhe Prada shpia plot dhurata

I promise love, but I don't take it back
Dashnia mpremtoj ama une sja kthej mrapa

I am in favor of it until the night falls
Une jam pro saj deri sa tbjen nata

DJ Flor Bana
Dj Flor Bana

Shut down Tirana
Shut down Tirana

Everything locked off
Everything lock off

Shut down Tirana
Shut down Tirana

Bad boy 4life only has Tirana (Prrrrahhh)
Bad boy 4life vec njo e ka Tirana(Prrrrahhh)

Fairy candy
Karramele zana
Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu

Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu
Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu

Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa muVideosListenLyricsArtistsAnalysis
Honey, you know, you're cocaine for me
Zemer ti se din po per mu je kokain

You listen to music and our thoughts are moving
Tu nigju muzik dhe mendimet jon kan mvin

They don't know how much you love them
Po kta nuk e din sa dashni

Kom carried on his back
Kom mbajte mbi shpin

And my soul knows why I'm drinking brandy
E ky shpirti im e di pse raki po pi

Very dark road
Rrugt shum tzbehta

Like you, I didn't find it
Po si ti nuk gjeta

And when I found you
E kur ty tgjeta

My life is getting longer
Mu mu zgjat jeta

The withered rose now smells
Trendafil i vyshkur tash i vjen era

You know my soul
Ti ma njeh shpirtin

You know my values
Ti mi din vlerat

They say that the wine is good
Thone se vera esht e mire

The longer you stay
Sa me gjate rri

I don't know
Po se di

Does this term exist in love?
A ekziston ky term ne dashni

Don't know my friends, they have a black soul
Shoqet mos i nij ato kan shpirtin e zi

You talk bad about me, they are boring
Tu fol keq per mu ato tjapin merzi

Are you looking like P*dhsome
A po doket vetja si P*dhsome

You know what they did
Ti se din kti cunit ca i bone

I'm eating now
Po hajt tash

Permission permission ska ma fore
Leje leje ska ma fore

You and me! Forget it! (Forget it)
Ti me mu!Hë harroje!(Harroje)
Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu

Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu
Entered with a benzooo
Hypur me nji benzooo

I wear all kenzoo
Veshun krejt me kenzoo

High class women
Femnat high class

She wants a party with a dance floor
She want a party with a dancfloor

Benzo Kenzo group of kom bando
Benzo Kenzo grupin e kom bando

Don't bother me, woman
Femnen mos ma nguc

I'm taking you hostage, bro
Se vi e tmarr peng bro

She said no drama
Ajo mtha mu sdo mo dramaa

I don't drink it like marijuana
Un jom tu e pi si mariuanaaa

Her eyes sparkle like hanaaa
Syte e saj shkelqejn sikur hanaaa

Other women don't care
Femna tjera sdo mo nanaaaa

She has our Louis Fendi bags
Ajo i ka te tana Louis Fendi çantat

Gucci and Prada were full of gifts
Gucci edhe Prada shpia plot dhurata

I promise love, but I don't take it back
Dashnia mpremtoj ama une sja kthej mrapa

I am in favor of it until the night falls
Une jam pro saj deri sa tbjen nata

DJ Flor Bana
Dj Flor Bana

Shut down Tirana
Shut down Tirana

Everything locked off
Everything lock off

Shut down Tirana
Shut down Tirana

Bad boy 4life only has Tirana (Prrrrahhh)
Bad boy 4life vec njo e ka Tirana(Prrrrahhh)

Fairy candy
Karramele zana
Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu

Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu
Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me
Ti per mu ke maruuuu

He finds himself without me
Veten se gjen pa mu

Even if he forgot
Edhe nese mki harru

Who are you telling him you love?
Kujna po i thu te du?

You have married for me

He finds himself without me
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