Taylor Swift
Blank Space

[Verse 1]
Nice to meet you
Where you been?
I could show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there and I thought oh my god
Look at that face, you look like my next mistake
Love's a game, wanna play
New money, suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine
Ain't it funny rumors fly
And I know you heard about me
So hey, let's be friends
I'm dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand
I could make the bad guys good for a weekend
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
[Verse 2]
Cherry lips
Crystal skies
I could show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies
You're the king baby I'm your queen
Find out what you want
Be that girl for a month
But the worst is yet to come
Oh no
Screaming, crying, perfect storms
I could make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns
Keep you second guessing like oh my god
Who is she? I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far and leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you
Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far and leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Nice to meet you
Where you been?
I could show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there and I thought oh my god
Look at that face, you look like my next mistake
Love's a game, wanna play
New money, suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine
Ain't it funny rumors fly
And I know you heard about me
So hey, let's be friends
I'm dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand
I could make the bad guys good for a weekend
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
[Verse 2]
Cherry lips
Crystal skies
I could show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies
You're the king baby I'm your queen
Find out what you want
Be that girl for a month
But the worst is yet to come
Oh no
Screaming, crying, perfect storms
I could make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns
Keep you second guessing like oh my god
Who is she? I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far and leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you
Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far and leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Hapësire Boshe

[Strofa 1]
Gezohem qe u njohem,
ku paske qene?
Mund te te tregoj gjera te mrekullueshme,
magji,çmenduri,parajse, mekat
Te pash dhe mendova "Oh, zoti im
Shikoje kete fytyre, dukesh si gabimi im i rradhes
Dashuria eshte nje loje, do te luajme
Para te reja, kostum, dhe kollare
Mund te te lexoj si nje reviste
A nuk është qesharake thashethemet fluturojnë
Dhe e di qe ke degjuar per mua
Pra hej, le te jemi miq
Po vdes te shoh si kjo perfundon
Rrembe pashaporten dhe doren time
Mund t'i bej djemte e keqinj te mire per nje fundjave
Pra do te jete pergjithmone
Apo di do te shkoje poshte ne flake
Mund te me thuash kur te perfundoje
Nese lartesia ishte me vlere dhimbje
Kam nje liste te gjat ish-te dashurish
Ato do te thone se jam e çmendur
Se ti e di me pelqejne lojtaret
Dhe ty te pelqen loja
Se jemi terinj dhe jemi te pamatur
Do ta marr kete rruge shume gjat
Ajo do te te lejë pa fryme
Ose me nje plage te ndyre
Kam nje liste te gjate ish te dashurish
Ata do te thone se jam e çmendur
Por une kam nje hapesire boshe zemer
Dhe do te shkruaj emrin tend
[ Strofa 2 ]
Buze qershie
Qiej kristal
Mund te te tregoj gjera te mrekullueshme
Puthje te vjedhura, genjeshtra te bukura
Ti je mbreti, zemer un jam mbreteresha
Gjeje se ke do
Do jem ajo vajze per nje muaj
Por me e keqja nuk ka ardhur ende
Oh jo!
Bertas, qaj, stuhi perfekte
Mund t'i kthej te gjitha tavolinat
Kopesht i kuq i mbushur me ferra
Mbaji mendimet e dyte si oh zoti im
Kush eshte ajo? U deva ne xhelozi
Por do te vish sa here te largohesh
Se i dashur jam nje makth i veshur si nje ender dite
Pra do te jete pergjithmone
Apo di do te shkoje poshte ne flake
Mund te me thuash kur te perfundoje
Nese lartesia ishte me vlere dhimbje
Kam nje liste te gjat ish-te dashurish
Ato do te thone se jam e çmendur
Se ti e di me pelqejne lojtaret
Dhe ty te pelqen loja
Se jemi terinj dhe jemi te pamatur
Do ta marr kete rruge shume gjat
Ajo do te te lejë pa fryme
Ose me nje plage te ndyre
Kam nje liste te gjate ish te dashurish
Ata do te thone se jam e çmendur
Por une kam nje hapesire boshe zemer
Dhe do te shkruaj emrin tend
Djemte veten e duan dashurine nese eshte torture,
Mos me thuaj se nuk te thash nuk te paralajmerova,
Djemte veten e duan dashurine nese eshte torture,
Mos me thuaj se nuk te thash nuk te paralajmerova,
Pra do te jete pergjithmone
Apo di do te shkoje poshte ne flake
Mund te me thuash kur te perfundoje
Nese lartesia ishte me vlere dhimbje
Kam nje liste te gjat ish-te dashurish
Ato do te thone se jam e çmendur
Se ti e di me pelqejne lojtaret
Dhe ty te pelqen loja
Se jemi te rinj dhe jemi te pamatur
Do ta marr kete rruge shume gjat
Ajo do te te lejë pa fryme
Ose me nje plage te ndyre
Kam nje liste te gjate ish te dashurish
Ata do te thone se jam e çmendur
Por une kam nje hapesire boshe zemer
Dhe do te shkruaj emrin tend
Gezohem qe u njohem,
ku paske qene?
Mund te te tregoj gjera te mrekullueshme,
magji,çmenduri,parajse, mekat
Te pash dhe mendova "Oh, zoti im
Shikoje kete fytyre, dukesh si gabimi im i rradhes
Dashuria eshte nje loje, do te luajme
Para te reja, kostum, dhe kollare
Mund te te lexoj si nje reviste
A nuk është qesharake thashethemet fluturojnë
Dhe e di qe ke degjuar per mua
Pra hej, le te jemi miq
Po vdes te shoh si kjo perfundon
Rrembe pashaporten dhe doren time
Mund t'i bej djemte e keqinj te mire per nje fundjave
Pra do te jete pergjithmone
Apo di do te shkoje poshte ne flake
Mund te me thuash kur te perfundoje
Nese lartesia ishte me vlere dhimbje
Kam nje liste te gjat ish-te dashurish
Ato do te thone se jam e çmendur
Se ti e di me pelqejne lojtaret
Dhe ty te pelqen loja
Se jemi terinj dhe jemi te pamatur
Do ta marr kete rruge shume gjat
Ajo do te te lejë pa fryme
Ose me nje plage te ndyre
Kam nje liste te gjate ish te dashurish
Ata do te thone se jam e çmendur
Por une kam nje hapesire boshe zemer
Dhe do te shkruaj emrin tend
[ Strofa 2 ]
Buze qershie
Qiej kristal
Mund te te tregoj gjera te mrekullueshme
Puthje te vjedhura, genjeshtra te bukura
Ti je mbreti, zemer un jam mbreteresha
Gjeje se ke do
Do jem ajo vajze per nje muaj
Por me e keqja nuk ka ardhur ende
Oh jo!
Bertas, qaj, stuhi perfekte
Mund t'i kthej te gjitha tavolinat
Kopesht i kuq i mbushur me ferra
Mbaji mendimet e dyte si oh zoti im
Kush eshte ajo? U deva ne xhelozi
Por do te vish sa here te largohesh
Se i dashur jam nje makth i veshur si nje ender dite
Pra do te jete pergjithmone
Apo di do te shkoje poshte ne flake
Mund te me thuash kur te perfundoje
Nese lartesia ishte me vlere dhimbje
Kam nje liste te gjat ish-te dashurish
Ato do te thone se jam e çmendur
Se ti e di me pelqejne lojtaret
Dhe ty te pelqen loja
Se jemi terinj dhe jemi te pamatur
Do ta marr kete rruge shume gjat
Ajo do te te lejë pa fryme
Ose me nje plage te ndyre
Kam nje liste te gjate ish te dashurish
Ata do te thone se jam e çmendur
Por une kam nje hapesire boshe zemer
Dhe do te shkruaj emrin tend
Djemte veten e duan dashurine nese eshte torture,
Mos me thuaj se nuk te thash nuk te paralajmerova,
Djemte veten e duan dashurine nese eshte torture,
Mos me thuaj se nuk te thash nuk te paralajmerova,
Pra do te jete pergjithmone
Apo di do te shkoje poshte ne flake
Mund te me thuash kur te perfundoje
Nese lartesia ishte me vlere dhimbje
Kam nje liste te gjat ish-te dashurish
Ato do te thone se jam e çmendur
Se ti e di me pelqejne lojtaret
Dhe ty te pelqen loja
Se jemi te rinj dhe jemi te pamatur
Do ta marr kete rruge shume gjat
Ajo do te te lejë pa fryme
Ose me nje plage te ndyre
Kam nje liste te gjate ish te dashurish
Ata do te thone se jam e çmendur
Por une kam nje hapesire boshe zemer
Dhe do te shkruaj emrin tend
Komente 1