Dont Let Me Go

I don't care about where you may be or stay
It don't matter how long you'll stay
I don't care as long as you're here with me
And I don't care about them and the games they play
All they want is to see us fail
What I'd give to have you here tonight
I just can't think about it
They wanna make us doubted
Why do they always have to tear us down
There's just no doubt about it
We give a damn about it
Don't want the story to end
Don't let me go ohohohoh ohohohoh
Don't let me lose all that I ever had
Don't let me go ohohohoh ohohohoh
Beggin' you please... girl I'm down on my knees
I don't care what they say, when they look our way
They don't know how we've got in pain
I don't care as long as you're by my side
I don't care if I lose everything I own
I could never survive all alone
There's no mean without you in my life
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
Don't let me go
When I lay myself to sleep at night
All I think about is you
And your voice is pounded In my head
Heal the fear that we're through
Don't let me go
It don't matter how long you'll stay
I don't care as long as you're here with me
And I don't care about them and the games they play
All they want is to see us fail
What I'd give to have you here tonight
I just can't think about it
They wanna make us doubted
Why do they always have to tear us down
There's just no doubt about it
We give a damn about it
Don't want the story to end
Don't let me go ohohohoh ohohohoh
Don't let me lose all that I ever had
Don't let me go ohohohoh ohohohoh
Beggin' you please... girl I'm down on my knees
I don't care what they say, when they look our way
They don't know how we've got in pain
I don't care as long as you're by my side
I don't care if I lose everything I own
I could never survive all alone
There's no mean without you in my life
Ohohohoh ohohohoh
Don't let me go
When I lay myself to sleep at night
All I think about is you
And your voice is pounded In my head
Heal the fear that we're through
Don't let me go
Mos Me Ler Te Shkoj

sme intereson se ku mund te jesh
ska rendesi sa do qendrosh
sme intereson perderisa je me mua
sme inereson per te tjert dhe lojrat qe luajn ata
ata veq duan te na shohin te shkatrruar
dua te te kem ktu sonte
smund te mendoj per kete gje
ata duan qe ne te dyshojm ne njeri tjetrin
pse duhet gjithmon te tjeret te na mundin
ska dyshim
neve sna intereson asgje
sdua qe kjo histori te perfundoj
mos me ler te shkoj ohohoohoh
mes me bej ta humbas gjithçka qe kam
mos me ler te shkoj ohohohohoh
po te pergjerohem ne gjunj
sme intereson qfar thon ata per lidhjen ton
ata se din se sa na dhemb
por mua sme intereson perderisa te kam pran meje
vince: sme intereson nese humb çdo gje qe kam
kurr sdo mbijetoja vetem pa ty
ska kuptim jeta ime pa ty
mos me ler te shkoj ohohoh........................
kur behem gati per gjum
e vetmja gje qe mendoj je ti
dhe zeri yt eshte ne mendjen time
largon friken qe dashuria jon ka marr fund
sme intereson se ku mund te jesh
ska rendesi sa do qendrosh
sme intereson perderisa je me mua
sme inereson per te tjert dhe lojrat qe luajn ata
ata veq duan te na shohin te shkatrruar
dua te te kem ktu sonte
smund te mendoj per kete gje
ata duan qe ne te dyshojm ne njeri tjetrin
pse duhet gjithmon te tjeret te na mundin
ska dyshim
neve sna intereson asgje
sdua qe kjo histori te perfundoj
mos me ler te shkoj ohohoohoh
mes me bej ta humbas gjithçka qe kam
mos me ler te shkoj ohohohohoh
po te pergjerohem ne gjunj
sme intereson qfar thon ata per lidhjen ton
ata se din se sa na dhemb
por mua sme intereson perderisa te kam pran meje
vince: sme intereson nese humb çdo gje qe kam
kurr sdo mbijetoja vetem pa ty
ska kuptim jeta ime pa ty
mos me ler te shkoj ohohoh........................
kur behem gati per gjum
e vetmja gje qe mendoj je ti
dhe zeri yt eshte ne mendjen time
largon friken qe dashuria jon ka marr fund
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