Nothing Left To Say

I can see you, you're looking away
Like a player that's caught in the game
Tell me
If you're seein' somebody
Are you seein' somebody else
Somebody else
You can claim that it's all in my head
Talkin' crazy well you pushed me to this
Tell me
Is there really somebody
If there's really somebody else
There's nothing left to say
Got nowhere left to go
I feel it in my heart beat
Can you feel my heart beat
I'm torn into pieces
Don't know all the reasons
But you gotta go
I'm taking back control
You can't tell me you love me the same
Stop pretending and just take the blame
Show me
That there's really nobody
Cos I know there's somebody else
St-st-stuttering because you got caught
Now I'm taking back all the lies that I bought
Gotta find me somebody
Gotta find me somebody else
There's nothing left to say
Got nowhere left to go
I feel it in my heart beat
Can you feel my heart beat
I'm torn into pieces
Don't know all the reasons
But you gotta go
I'm taking back control
No telling me you can make this better
No asking me to forget your lies
It's gone too far you can't change a thing
About me
Like a player that's caught in the game
Tell me
If you're seein' somebody
Are you seein' somebody else
Somebody else
You can claim that it's all in my head
Talkin' crazy well you pushed me to this
Tell me
Is there really somebody
If there's really somebody else
There's nothing left to say
Got nowhere left to go
I feel it in my heart beat
Can you feel my heart beat
I'm torn into pieces
Don't know all the reasons
But you gotta go
I'm taking back control
You can't tell me you love me the same
Stop pretending and just take the blame
Show me
That there's really nobody
Cos I know there's somebody else
St-st-stuttering because you got caught
Now I'm taking back all the lies that I bought
Gotta find me somebody
Gotta find me somebody else
There's nothing left to say
Got nowhere left to go
I feel it in my heart beat
Can you feel my heart beat
I'm torn into pieces
Don't know all the reasons
But you gotta go
I'm taking back control
No telling me you can make this better
No asking me to forget your lies
It's gone too far you can't change a thing
About me
Ska ç'te Thuhet Me

po e verej se se ke mendjen ktu
si nje lojtar qe eshte zene ngusht ne loj
me trego
a po takohesh me dike tjeter
ti ankohesh se kjo histori eshte veq ne mendjen time
po ti me shtyre ta mendoj kete gje
me trego
a eksiston edhe dikush tjeter mes nesh
ska qka thuhet me
skam ku shkoj me
e ndjej ne zemren time,a mund ta ndjesh zemren time
jam i thyer ne mijra copza
se di arsyen
por ti duhet te shkosh
po e rimarr kontrollin
ti thua qe me don njejte
ndalo mos u shtir dhe pranoje fajin
me trego qe s'eshte askush tjeter
sepse un e di qe ke dike tjeter
be-be-be-belbezon sepse te kam zene
tash po i marr gjitha genjeshtrat qe ti mi shite
me fal
po duhet ta gjej dike tjeter per veten time
reff:ska qka thuhet me..........
mos me thuaj qe do ndryshosh
mes kerko nga un ti harroj genjeshtrat tua
e ke kaluar kufirin,tash smund te ndryshosh asgje tek un
po e verej se se ke mendjen ktu
si nje lojtar qe eshte zene ngusht ne loj
me trego
a po takohesh me dike tjeter
ti ankohesh se kjo histori eshte veq ne mendjen time
po ti me shtyre ta mendoj kete gje
me trego
a eksiston edhe dikush tjeter mes nesh
ska qka thuhet me
skam ku shkoj me
e ndjej ne zemren time,a mund ta ndjesh zemren time
jam i thyer ne mijra copza
se di arsyen
por ti duhet te shkosh
po e rimarr kontrollin
ti thua qe me don njejte
ndalo mos u shtir dhe pranoje fajin
me trego qe s'eshte askush tjeter
sepse un e di qe ke dike tjeter
be-be-be-belbezon sepse te kam zene
tash po i marr gjitha genjeshtrat qe ti mi shite
me fal
po duhet ta gjej dike tjeter per veten time
reff:ska qka thuhet me..........
mos me thuaj qe do ndryshosh
mes kerko nga un ti harroj genjeshtrat tua
e ke kaluar kufirin,tash smund te ndryshosh asgje tek un
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