Just Because Of You
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Verse 1 - Jay
I never believed our love would die,
It's funny how time just passed us by
I couldn't imagine you were out my life

And all of the girls that I once knew,
They all disappeared when I met you
You're all that I ever wanted in my life

Bridge - all together
I'll find a way to make you stay, I still believe in our love
I see the truth, because of you, the key to our lasting love

Chorus - all together
Just because of you, I'm cryin in sadness
I'll give you one more try, and I'll do the same
Just because of us, I feel like I come dyin
So I'm beggin you, wantin you, callin you

Verse 2 - Richie
I never believed a man should cry,
Until you got up, and said goodbye
I pray for the day, you come back in my life

I'd do anything to make this right
If only I had you by my side
Thinking about you baby day and night

Bridge - all together
I'll find a way to make you stay, I still believe in our love
I see the truth, because of you, the key to understand love

Chorus - all together
Just because of you, I'm cryin in sadness
Give it one more try, and I'll do the same
Just because of us, I feel like I come dyin
So I'm beggin you, wantin you, callin you
Per Shkakun Tend
Flag ShqipShqip
kurre skam besuar qe dashuria jon do vdes
si kaloj koha kur ne ishim bashke
kurre ska menduar qe do shkosh nga jeta ime

gjitha vajzat qe i njihja
te gjitha u zhduken kur te njoha ty
ti ishe gjithçka qe un doja ne jeten time

nese e gjej menyren qe ti te qendrosh
un ende besoj ne dashurin ton
e shoh te verteten per shkakun tend
çelesin per ta zgjatur dashurin ton

per shkakun tend po qaj ne vetmi
po ta jap edhe nje shanc per ty dhe veten time
per shkakun tend
e ndjej se po vdes,te dua,po te
pergjerohem,po te therras

skam besuar kurre qe nje burre qan
derisa ti ike nga jeta ime
po lutem per diten qe di do kthehesh ne jeten time

do beje çdo gje ta rregulloj kete gjendje
sa do te doja te kisha pran meje
po mendoj per ty dite e nate

nese e gjej menyren qe ti te qendrosh
un ende besoj ne dashurin ton
e shoh te verteten per shkakun tend
çelesin per mta zgjatur dashurin tone

reff:per shkakun tend.......
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