Toni & Tini (Part 2)

Toni edhe Tini
Dy shok t’ngusht
Tini spiun
Toni ra nburg
Toni e nimoj
E boni Tinin me lek
Tini legeni
E preu n'bes shokun e vet
Nderkoh Tini
U bo shum i fuqishem
Me kartelin e Tonit
Nuk e humi lidhjen
Me shum puntor
Furnizonte rruget
U kthy n'Shqipri
Me tel e kontrollonte punen
N’Shqipri u njifte
si biznesmen
Lek pa fun
Investime gjdo ven
Rezorta, hotele
Bare, restorante
Lloj lloj kompanish
Edhe klube nate
Kundershtar s’kishte
Askujt nuk ja mante
Shum i pa meshirshem
Hic nuk i falte
Do budall me hekra
Me vete i mate
Si tmershin urdher
Skish kush i nalte
Kush kishte lidhje me Tonin
I kishte hek
Vriti ndark
E piju kafen neser n’mgjes
Ondrrat naten
Se lejshin me fjet
Se dhe bab e non ja vrau
Me doren e vet
Shteti se lunte
Shum lek pagunte
Me koka politike
Poker ai lunte
Qdo lloj ministri
Nxhep ai e kishte
Se blente vota
Me i majt nkarrige
Kishte bo familje
Ishte bo me fmi
Jetonte n’vil luksoze
Me e pas zili
E kishte menjen e fjetme
Per siguri
Se shpin ja rushin
Plot 1 ushtri
I gjo kish frik
Kartelin e kolombis
E mate mir me to
Nuk donte me i merzit
Po ai e dinte
Smunen me e hek
Se Tini per kolombezet
Bonte gjith at lek
Erdhi dita si Toni doli jasht
Direkt n’avion Edhe e kthyn mrapsh
Po Tini ket gjo direkt e mori vesh
I nisi per aeroport heksat e vet
Toni zbriti e shef dy polic
Heksat e Tinit me uniform tpolicis
E moren Tonin e futen nmakin
E cun ke Tini ku ishte tu e prit
Ku je mor Toni
Si po tdukna
Sdeshe me punu me mu
Ja ku erdh puna
I run this shit
Un i jap urdhrat
Me dasht direkt
Tmushi me pluma
Toni donte me e myt
Po skish ca tbote
Se gryken e TT-s
E kishte mas koke
Ishte i gjynjzum
Para hasmit
1 levizje me bo
Kryt ja plasshin
Toni e shef nsy
Buzqesh me ironi
Ma mir vritem tani
Se do tvras un ty
Mvrave familjen
Pa tpas hak as hile
Hala mdhem thika
Si kom mas shpine
Tini qesh me tmodhe
Edhe i thot
Ti ske as mut nbyth
Mos mbo mu kot
Tu mbo ti presion
Un tshtypi si morri
Tzhduki me sekonda
Sta di kush vorrin
Po ty sdo tvras
Do tlo me vujt
Si ato qent e rrugve
Tu ngordh per buk
As mos shkoj nmenje
Ti mu mem gjujt
Se ktu jam zoti
I gjithkujt
Tini e la me kaq
Edhe u largu
Toni etja per gjak
Ma shum ju shtu
Bertiti me tmadhe
Tini me e ngju
Bone shum gabim
Si sem vrave mu
Toni direkt
I shkoj nones ke vorri
Cohu oj non tshof
Se mka mar malli
Ti puthi duret
E ta puth ballin
Se veq ti kto dhimje mun mi nalish
Toni vuni doren
Ke pllaka vorrit
Betohem oj non
Se hakun do ta mori
Krejt ja kisha fal
Ke ti se fal dot
Po nuk mora hak
Haram qumshti jot
Toni 10 vjet
I boni nhekra
Veq per hakmarje
I qante zemra
Per qa kish punu
I kish hum krejta
Edhe iher nga 0
I filloj jeta
Po mrena nburg
Boni lidhje tforta
Njofi do anglez
Si hekshin me tona
U premtoj lidhjen
Nga kolombia
Se kish uri per gjak
Jo me bo miliona
Toni e kish bo planin gati
E dite kolomezt kollaj Tonin se japin
Po Toni kto gjona i kishte menu heret
Erdhi koha me lidh kartelin me anglezet
Toni ntelefon
Me koken e kartelit
Tu i shpjegu
Ca i ka nodh tshkretit
Ky boti kishte
Shum rrespekt per Tonin
Se kur ra nburg
Emrin nuk ja nxorri
Ajo qe ndodhi
jo fatkeqsi
Po spiunllik
Bash nga shoku tij
Du me e vra
Bile sa ma shpejt
Mfuti nburg
E familjen ma ka hek
Boti i thot
Per ty kom rrespekt
E tfalenderoj shum
Se je i vertet
Po mprish shum pun
Tinin me e hek
Lidhja ma e fort
Humi shum lek
Toni i thot
E disha ktu do dilni
Do tjap 1 lidhje
Si hek 3-fish sa Tini
3-fish sa Tini
Tani mhabite
Boje gati
E prit tel nga ana ime
Kalun do dit
Toni hala tu prit
Inati ka mrena
Dote me e qit
Rrite menonte
Per gjonat si do bonte
Me zi tu prit diten
Tinin ta shfaroste
Karteli derdhi lekun
Me u bo puna
Ushtart si kish Tini
Ia kthyn kundra
Tini me familje
Dolen per drek
Ushtart si kish me vete
E moren peng
Tini sja kishte iden
Se ca ndodhi
Tu bertit me tmadhe
Une jom bosi
Po asnjo prej tyne
Sdeshi me ja dit
I cun nmagazin
E i lan lidh
Cingron telefoni
Toni direkt e hapi
Bosi kartelit
Me lajmin gati
Comestas Toni
Homie ke pasa
Shko nfilan ven
O tu tprit dhurata
Toni berti
Oj non erdh koha Me mor hakun
Niset direkt
Se i vlonte gjaku
Momenti i Tonit
Ma nfund kish arrit
10 vjet kishte
Si ondrronte ket dit
Toni shko ke veni
Hap deren e magazines
Shef Tinin me grun
Dhe 2 fmit e lidhem
Dy kalamajt tu qajt
Gruja bertet me klithem
Tini tu pa Tonin
Ngeli i habitem
Ku je mer Tini
Si po tdukna
A bon me tregu
Si po t hec puna
A ja ke iden
Ushtrin kush ta bleu
Vet e kafshove
Doren qe te ushqeu
Tini bertet
Mos prek nfamilje
Toni ja perdhunoi
Grun para fmive
Pasi maroj pun
I bjer shkelma brinjve
E biro me thika
Niset drejt fmive
Toni akoma
Ka nevoj per gjak
I mori dh cunat
Tha hajde lujm pak
Lej cunat tlutem
Skan lidhje me ket pun
As nona ime
Pse e more nga un
Tani Tini e ke ndor vet
Cilin djal e don gjall
E cili ka me vdek
Tini tu bertit
Tu qa me tmodhe
Do bonte zgjidhjen
Si as ni prind sun e bote
Tini mtrego shpejt
A e vendose
Cili nga djemt
E do gjall zotrote
Tini me zor
Tu i qit fjalt prej goje
Djali i vogel tvazhdoje tjetoje
Djalin e vogel po ta vras tparin
Toni direkt ja fut plum ballit
Djalit tmadh ja fut plum mas koka
O Tin bosi erdh radha jote
Tinit ja nguli 10 thika nshpin
Jo me e vra
Hala tmerte frym
10 thika
Per 10 vjet burg si bona
Tani hapi syt
Shif ti djegi kufomat
Mer do benzin
Ja djeg grun dhe fmit
Tinit ishte tu i dal
Shpirti nga syt
Tinit ftyres
Filloj tu i zbras berrete
Plumin e funit
E rujti me vra veten
Dy shok t’ngusht
Tini spiun
Toni ra nburg
Toni e nimoj
E boni Tinin me lek
Tini legeni
E preu n'bes shokun e vet
Nderkoh Tini
U bo shum i fuqishem
Me kartelin e Tonit
Nuk e humi lidhjen
Me shum puntor
Furnizonte rruget
U kthy n'Shqipri
Me tel e kontrollonte punen
N’Shqipri u njifte
si biznesmen
Lek pa fun
Investime gjdo ven
Rezorta, hotele
Bare, restorante
Lloj lloj kompanish
Edhe klube nate
Kundershtar s’kishte
Askujt nuk ja mante
Shum i pa meshirshem
Hic nuk i falte
Do budall me hekra
Me vete i mate
Si tmershin urdher
Skish kush i nalte
Kush kishte lidhje me Tonin
I kishte hek
Vriti ndark
E piju kafen neser n’mgjes
Ondrrat naten
Se lejshin me fjet
Se dhe bab e non ja vrau
Me doren e vet
Shteti se lunte
Shum lek pagunte
Me koka politike
Poker ai lunte
Qdo lloj ministri
Nxhep ai e kishte
Se blente vota
Me i majt nkarrige
Kishte bo familje
Ishte bo me fmi
Jetonte n’vil luksoze
Me e pas zili
E kishte menjen e fjetme
Per siguri
Se shpin ja rushin
Plot 1 ushtri
I gjo kish frik
Kartelin e kolombis
E mate mir me to
Nuk donte me i merzit
Po ai e dinte
Smunen me e hek
Se Tini per kolombezet
Bonte gjith at lek
Erdhi dita si Toni doli jasht
Direkt n’avion Edhe e kthyn mrapsh
Po Tini ket gjo direkt e mori vesh
I nisi per aeroport heksat e vet
Toni zbriti e shef dy polic
Heksat e Tinit me uniform tpolicis
E moren Tonin e futen nmakin
E cun ke Tini ku ishte tu e prit
Ku je mor Toni
Si po tdukna
Sdeshe me punu me mu
Ja ku erdh puna
I run this shit
Un i jap urdhrat
Me dasht direkt
Tmushi me pluma
Toni donte me e myt
Po skish ca tbote
Se gryken e TT-s
E kishte mas koke
Ishte i gjynjzum
Para hasmit
1 levizje me bo
Kryt ja plasshin
Toni e shef nsy
Buzqesh me ironi
Ma mir vritem tani
Se do tvras un ty
Mvrave familjen
Pa tpas hak as hile
Hala mdhem thika
Si kom mas shpine
Tini qesh me tmodhe
Edhe i thot
Ti ske as mut nbyth
Mos mbo mu kot
Tu mbo ti presion
Un tshtypi si morri
Tzhduki me sekonda
Sta di kush vorrin
Po ty sdo tvras
Do tlo me vujt
Si ato qent e rrugve
Tu ngordh per buk
As mos shkoj nmenje
Ti mu mem gjujt
Se ktu jam zoti
I gjithkujt
Tini e la me kaq
Edhe u largu
Toni etja per gjak
Ma shum ju shtu
Bertiti me tmadhe
Tini me e ngju
Bone shum gabim
Si sem vrave mu
Toni direkt
I shkoj nones ke vorri
Cohu oj non tshof
Se mka mar malli
Ti puthi duret
E ta puth ballin
Se veq ti kto dhimje mun mi nalish
Toni vuni doren
Ke pllaka vorrit
Betohem oj non
Se hakun do ta mori
Krejt ja kisha fal
Ke ti se fal dot
Po nuk mora hak
Haram qumshti jot
Toni 10 vjet
I boni nhekra
Veq per hakmarje
I qante zemra
Per qa kish punu
I kish hum krejta
Edhe iher nga 0
I filloj jeta
Po mrena nburg
Boni lidhje tforta
Njofi do anglez
Si hekshin me tona
U premtoj lidhjen
Nga kolombia
Se kish uri per gjak
Jo me bo miliona
Toni e kish bo planin gati
E dite kolomezt kollaj Tonin se japin
Po Toni kto gjona i kishte menu heret
Erdhi koha me lidh kartelin me anglezet
Toni ntelefon
Me koken e kartelit
Tu i shpjegu
Ca i ka nodh tshkretit
Ky boti kishte
Shum rrespekt per Tonin
Se kur ra nburg
Emrin nuk ja nxorri
Ajo qe ndodhi
jo fatkeqsi
Po spiunllik
Bash nga shoku tij
Du me e vra
Bile sa ma shpejt
Mfuti nburg
E familjen ma ka hek
Boti i thot
Per ty kom rrespekt
E tfalenderoj shum
Se je i vertet
Po mprish shum pun
Tinin me e hek
Lidhja ma e fort
Humi shum lek
Toni i thot
E disha ktu do dilni
Do tjap 1 lidhje
Si hek 3-fish sa Tini
3-fish sa Tini
Tani mhabite
Boje gati
E prit tel nga ana ime
Kalun do dit
Toni hala tu prit
Inati ka mrena
Dote me e qit
Rrite menonte
Per gjonat si do bonte
Me zi tu prit diten
Tinin ta shfaroste
Karteli derdhi lekun
Me u bo puna
Ushtart si kish Tini
Ia kthyn kundra
Tini me familje
Dolen per drek
Ushtart si kish me vete
E moren peng
Tini sja kishte iden
Se ca ndodhi
Tu bertit me tmadhe
Une jom bosi
Po asnjo prej tyne
Sdeshi me ja dit
I cun nmagazin
E i lan lidh
Cingron telefoni
Toni direkt e hapi
Bosi kartelit
Me lajmin gati
Comestas Toni
Homie ke pasa
Shko nfilan ven
O tu tprit dhurata
Toni berti
Oj non erdh koha Me mor hakun
Niset direkt
Se i vlonte gjaku
Momenti i Tonit
Ma nfund kish arrit
10 vjet kishte
Si ondrronte ket dit
Toni shko ke veni
Hap deren e magazines
Shef Tinin me grun
Dhe 2 fmit e lidhem
Dy kalamajt tu qajt
Gruja bertet me klithem
Tini tu pa Tonin
Ngeli i habitem
Ku je mer Tini
Si po tdukna
A bon me tregu
Si po t hec puna
A ja ke iden
Ushtrin kush ta bleu
Vet e kafshove
Doren qe te ushqeu
Tini bertet
Mos prek nfamilje
Toni ja perdhunoi
Grun para fmive
Pasi maroj pun
I bjer shkelma brinjve
E biro me thika
Niset drejt fmive
Toni akoma
Ka nevoj per gjak
I mori dh cunat
Tha hajde lujm pak
Lej cunat tlutem
Skan lidhje me ket pun
As nona ime
Pse e more nga un
Tani Tini e ke ndor vet
Cilin djal e don gjall
E cili ka me vdek
Tini tu bertit
Tu qa me tmodhe
Do bonte zgjidhjen
Si as ni prind sun e bote
Tini mtrego shpejt
A e vendose
Cili nga djemt
E do gjall zotrote
Tini me zor
Tu i qit fjalt prej goje
Djali i vogel tvazhdoje tjetoje
Djalin e vogel po ta vras tparin
Toni direkt ja fut plum ballit
Djalit tmadh ja fut plum mas koka
O Tin bosi erdh radha jote
Tinit ja nguli 10 thika nshpin
Jo me e vra
Hala tmerte frym
10 thika
Per 10 vjet burg si bona
Tani hapi syt
Shif ti djegi kufomat
Mer do benzin
Ja djeg grun dhe fmit
Tinit ishte tu i dal
Shpirti nga syt
Tinit ftyres
Filloj tu i zbras berrete
Plumin e funit
E rujti me vra veten
Toni & Tini (Part 2)

Toni and Tini
Two best friends
Tini an informant
Toni got sentenced
Toni helped him, taught him how to make money
But Tini the rat backstabbed his friend
Meanwhile Tini became powerful with Toni’s cartel connection
Didn’t sever the ties
With a lot of people working for him
Supplying the streets
Returned to Albania, ran everything on the phone
In Albania he was known as a businessman
With a f**k ton of money, investments everywhere
Resorts, hotels, bars and restaurants
Different kinds of companies, and night clubs
He didn’t have any opps
No one dared to mess with him
He was cold blooded and didn’t forgive anyone
And always had some goons with guns with him at all times
If you gave them an order, no one could stop them
He killed everyone who worked with Toni
Killed them at night and attended their funeral the next day
Nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep because he even killed Toni’s parents with his own hand
The government couldn’t touch him
He would pay them a lot of money
Playing poker with important politicians
Had ties with every minister
Because he would buy votes for them to keep them in power
He had a family now
And became a father
Lived in a luxurious vila
Hard not to envy him
Wasn’t bothered about security
Because he had a whole army outside his home
There was only one thing he was afraid of
The cartel in Columbia,
was always friendly and didn’t want to upset them
But he knew they couldn’t kill him because
Tini made them a lot of money
The day came that Toni was released
And immediately got deported
Tini heard about it and sent his people to the airport
Toni landed and got greeted by to cops
Tini’s people wearing police uniforms
They kidnapped Toni and put him in the backseat
And brought him to Tini who was waiting for them
“Where have you been Toni? How do I look?
You didn’t want to work with me and here we are. I run this shit, I make the shots. If I want to I’ll fill you with bullets right now.”
Toni wanted to kill him but couldn’t do anything, because he had a TT in the back of his head.
He was hopeless facing his worst enemy,
one single move and they would blow his head open
Toni looks him in the eyes and smiles ironically
You better kill me right now because if not I will kill you
You killed my family for absolutely no reason
The knife you put in my back still hurts to this day”
Tini laughs hysterically
“You don’t have shit, why are you acting tough?
You wanna threaten me? I’ll crush you like a bug.
I’ll have you killed in seconds and no one will know your grave
But I won’t kill you, I’ll let you suffer like stray dogs, starving without food.
And don’t ever think you could ever try to kill me
Because here I’m everyone’s god.”
Tini left it at that and left
While Toni got even thirstier for blood
Shouted on top of his lungs so Tini would hear him. “You’re making a massive mistake not killing me.”
Toni immediately went to his mothers grave
“Wake up mother because I miss you,
To kiss your hands and kiss you in the forehead, because only you could make this pain stop.”
Toni placed his hand on the gravestone
“I promise mom that I will take revenge.
I would’ve forgave him for everything but I can’t ever forgive what he did to you.
If I don’t take revenge, let the milk you fed me be ‘haram’”
Toni spent 10 years behind bars
His soul only wanted revenge
He had lost everything he worked for
His life started again from 0
But in jail he created some strong ties
Met a few Englishmen that moved tonnes
Promised them his connection with Columbia
Because he was thirsty for blood,
not because he wanted millions.
Toni puts together a plan,
He knew that the Columbians wouldn’t turn their back against Tini so easily
But he had thought of that a long time ago
Time had come to introduce the cartel to the Englishmen
Toni on the phone with the head of the cartel, explaining what had happened to him.
The columbian had a lot of respect for Toni because when Toni got arrested he didn’t mention his name.
What had happened wasn’t a misfortune, it was backstabbing from his own friend.
“I want to kill him as soon as possible.
He got me in jail and killed my family.”
The columbian says, “For you I got a lot of respect, and I thank you because you’re real. But I cannot afford to get rid of Tini, he’s the main buyer and I’d lose a lot of money.”
Toni says to him, “I knew you would say that. I’ll introduce you to someone who moves triple of what Tini does.”
“Triple of what Tini does? You got my attention. Be ready and wait for a phone call from me.”
A few days passed, Toni was waiting
Wanted to let his anger out.
Only thinking about what he was going to do,
Couldn’t wait for the day he would massacre Tini.
The cartel made the payment to make the hit.
Bought Tini’s bodyguards to turn them against him.
Tini and his family went out to eat.
His own bodyguards kidnapped them.
Tini had no idea what happened
Screaming, “I am the boss.” but no one cared,
Took them into a warehouse and tied them up
The phone rings and Toni picks up
The cartel head ready to give him the news.
“Como estas Toni? Homie que pasa?
Go to this place, the gift is waiting for you”
Toni shouted, “Mother, the time has come to take revenge for you”
He immediately went over there because his blood was boiling
Toni’s moment was finally here
Had dreamed about this day for 10 years
Toni goes to the warehouse
Sees Tini, his wife and two kids tied up
His two kids crying, and the wife screeching.
Tini saw Toni and was shocked
“Where have you been Tini? How do I look? Can you please tell me how’s everything going?
Do you have any idea who bought your people? It’s your fault for biting the hand that fed you.
Tini shouts, don’t touch my family,
Toni rapes his wife in front of his kids
And after that kicks her in the ribs,
Stabs her a dozen times and goes to the kids
Toni still thirsty for blood, takes his two sons “let’s go play”
“Please spare my kids, they don’t have anything to do with this.”
“Neither did my mother, why did you take her from me?
“Now Tini, it’s up to you, choose which son gets to live and which one dies.
Tini screaming and sobbing
He had to make a decision that no parent couldn’t possibly make.
“Tini quick, did you decide yet
Which son do you want to live, sir?
Tini could barely say the words,
“The youngest should live”
“Okay, I’ll kill the youngest first”
Toni immediately shoots him in the forehead
And then shoots the older son behind his head. (you can see the blood splattering on the walls in the video)
“Now, boss Tini, it’s your turn”
He stabbed Tini ten times in his back
Not to kill him, he wanted him to still suffer
“Ten knifes for ten years I did
Tini open your eyes, I’ll burn the bodies”
Takes some gasoline and burn his wife and kids
Tini’s soul was leaving his body from the eyes
Started emptying the Beretta on his face
Saved last bullet to kill himself.
Two best friends
Tini an informant
Toni got sentenced
Toni helped him, taught him how to make money
But Tini the rat backstabbed his friend
Meanwhile Tini became powerful with Toni’s cartel connection
Didn’t sever the ties
With a lot of people working for him
Supplying the streets
Returned to Albania, ran everything on the phone
In Albania he was known as a businessman
With a f**k ton of money, investments everywhere
Resorts, hotels, bars and restaurants
Different kinds of companies, and night clubs
He didn’t have any opps
No one dared to mess with him
He was cold blooded and didn’t forgive anyone
And always had some goons with guns with him at all times
If you gave them an order, no one could stop them
He killed everyone who worked with Toni
Killed them at night and attended their funeral the next day
Nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep because he even killed Toni’s parents with his own hand
The government couldn’t touch him
He would pay them a lot of money
Playing poker with important politicians
Had ties with every minister
Because he would buy votes for them to keep them in power
He had a family now
And became a father
Lived in a luxurious vila
Hard not to envy him
Wasn’t bothered about security
Because he had a whole army outside his home
There was only one thing he was afraid of
The cartel in Columbia,
was always friendly and didn’t want to upset them
But he knew they couldn’t kill him because
Tini made them a lot of money
The day came that Toni was released
And immediately got deported
Tini heard about it and sent his people to the airport
Toni landed and got greeted by to cops
Tini’s people wearing police uniforms
They kidnapped Toni and put him in the backseat
And brought him to Tini who was waiting for them
“Where have you been Toni? How do I look?
You didn’t want to work with me and here we are. I run this shit, I make the shots. If I want to I’ll fill you with bullets right now.”
Toni wanted to kill him but couldn’t do anything, because he had a TT in the back of his head.
He was hopeless facing his worst enemy,
one single move and they would blow his head open
Toni looks him in the eyes and smiles ironically
You better kill me right now because if not I will kill you
You killed my family for absolutely no reason
The knife you put in my back still hurts to this day”
Tini laughs hysterically
“You don’t have shit, why are you acting tough?
You wanna threaten me? I’ll crush you like a bug.
I’ll have you killed in seconds and no one will know your grave
But I won’t kill you, I’ll let you suffer like stray dogs, starving without food.
And don’t ever think you could ever try to kill me
Because here I’m everyone’s god.”
Tini left it at that and left
While Toni got even thirstier for blood
Shouted on top of his lungs so Tini would hear him. “You’re making a massive mistake not killing me.”
Toni immediately went to his mothers grave
“Wake up mother because I miss you,
To kiss your hands and kiss you in the forehead, because only you could make this pain stop.”
Toni placed his hand on the gravestone
“I promise mom that I will take revenge.
I would’ve forgave him for everything but I can’t ever forgive what he did to you.
If I don’t take revenge, let the milk you fed me be ‘haram’”
Toni spent 10 years behind bars
His soul only wanted revenge
He had lost everything he worked for
His life started again from 0
But in jail he created some strong ties
Met a few Englishmen that moved tonnes
Promised them his connection with Columbia
Because he was thirsty for blood,
not because he wanted millions.
Toni puts together a plan,
He knew that the Columbians wouldn’t turn their back against Tini so easily
But he had thought of that a long time ago
Time had come to introduce the cartel to the Englishmen
Toni on the phone with the head of the cartel, explaining what had happened to him.
The columbian had a lot of respect for Toni because when Toni got arrested he didn’t mention his name.
What had happened wasn’t a misfortune, it was backstabbing from his own friend.
“I want to kill him as soon as possible.
He got me in jail and killed my family.”
The columbian says, “For you I got a lot of respect, and I thank you because you’re real. But I cannot afford to get rid of Tini, he’s the main buyer and I’d lose a lot of money.”
Toni says to him, “I knew you would say that. I’ll introduce you to someone who moves triple of what Tini does.”
“Triple of what Tini does? You got my attention. Be ready and wait for a phone call from me.”
A few days passed, Toni was waiting
Wanted to let his anger out.
Only thinking about what he was going to do,
Couldn’t wait for the day he would massacre Tini.
The cartel made the payment to make the hit.
Bought Tini’s bodyguards to turn them against him.
Tini and his family went out to eat.
His own bodyguards kidnapped them.
Tini had no idea what happened
Screaming, “I am the boss.” but no one cared,
Took them into a warehouse and tied them up
The phone rings and Toni picks up
The cartel head ready to give him the news.
“Como estas Toni? Homie que pasa?
Go to this place, the gift is waiting for you”
Toni shouted, “Mother, the time has come to take revenge for you”
He immediately went over there because his blood was boiling
Toni’s moment was finally here
Had dreamed about this day for 10 years
Toni goes to the warehouse
Sees Tini, his wife and two kids tied up
His two kids crying, and the wife screeching.
Tini saw Toni and was shocked
“Where have you been Tini? How do I look? Can you please tell me how’s everything going?
Do you have any idea who bought your people? It’s your fault for biting the hand that fed you.
Tini shouts, don’t touch my family,
Toni rapes his wife in front of his kids
And after that kicks her in the ribs,
Stabs her a dozen times and goes to the kids
Toni still thirsty for blood, takes his two sons “let’s go play”
“Please spare my kids, they don’t have anything to do with this.”
“Neither did my mother, why did you take her from me?
“Now Tini, it’s up to you, choose which son gets to live and which one dies.
Tini screaming and sobbing
He had to make a decision that no parent couldn’t possibly make.
“Tini quick, did you decide yet
Which son do you want to live, sir?
Tini could barely say the words,
“The youngest should live”
“Okay, I’ll kill the youngest first”
Toni immediately shoots him in the forehead
And then shoots the older son behind his head. (you can see the blood splattering on the walls in the video)
“Now, boss Tini, it’s your turn”
He stabbed Tini ten times in his back
Not to kill him, he wanted him to still suffer
“Ten knifes for ten years I did
Tini open your eyes, I’ll burn the bodies”
Takes some gasoline and burn his wife and kids
Tini’s soul was leaving his body from the eyes
Started emptying the Beretta on his face
Saved last bullet to kill himself.
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