Waiting For Me
Waiting For Me
Për këtë këngë ka punuar tekstin Xhuljo Zere, ndërsa për produksionin audio janë kujdesur Jason Hines & Jostopac.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
All I wanna know is that you’re right beside me
Yea you’re right beside me
You know I’ve been feeling just a little bit lonely
Don’t you judge me
All you wanna do is come and claim my body
Yea you know how to love me
I know you’ve been feeling just a little bit lonely
Come and show me
Lets find a hideaway
Make our troubles go astray
Please don’t let us delay
Don’t let our love decay
I Know that you really love me
Edhe zemren ma ke dhen ti
I know that you’re waiting for me
O sa bukur me lendon ti
Please let me take a glance
Turn my life into a trance
Se si ty skam par asnjehere.
Everyday with you fells like a blessing
All the other days I'm stressing
When you’re around I just keep on guessing
O, when you’ll be confessing
Lets find a hideaway
Make our troubles go astray
Please don’t let us delay
Don’t let our love decay
I Know that you really love me
Edhe zemren ma ke dhen ti
I know that you’re waiting for me
O sa bukur me lendon ti
Please let me take a glance
Turn my life into a trance
Se si ty skam par asnjehere.
E di qe ti po pret per mua
Hajde zemer se shum te dua.
Chorus x2
All I wanna know is that you’re right beside me
Yea you’re right beside me
You know I’ve been feeling just a little bit lonely
Don’t you judge me
All you wanna do is come and claim my body
Yea you know how to love me
I know you’ve been feeling just a little bit lonely
Come and show me
Lets find a hideaway
Make our troubles go astray
Please don’t let us delay
Don’t let our love decay
I Know that you really love me
Edhe zemren ma ke dhen ti
I know that you’re waiting for me
O sa bukur me lendon ti
Please let me take a glance
Turn my life into a trance
Se si ty skam par asnjehere.
Everyday with you fells like a blessing
All the other days I'm stressing
When you’re around I just keep on guessing
O, when you’ll be confessing
Lets find a hideaway
Make our troubles go astray
Please don’t let us delay
Don’t let our love decay
I Know that you really love me
Edhe zemren ma ke dhen ti
I know that you’re waiting for me
O sa bukur me lendon ti
Please let me take a glance
Turn my life into a trance
Se si ty skam par asnjehere.
E di qe ti po pret per mua
Hajde zemer se shum te dua.
Chorus x2
- Publikimi: 01/03/2021
- Ora: 00:00
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- Teksti:
- Producent: Jason HinesJostopac
- Koreograf: Blerta Belliu
- Mix: Jason Hines
- Master: Jason Hines
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