Zero Pes & Mensur Kadriu
A Ma Bon Hallall Oj Nan

Mensur kadriu
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
Zero pes
Lamtumir kosove e dika po du me ik
Vendlindja jem bash qaty ku jom rrit
Gjak shqiptari qdo her me tradit
E kta tjert po luftojn per 1 karrik
Pe lo ket flamur e po nisna ne gurbet
Edhe pse atje kerkush nuk na pret
M'fal oj nan nashta kthehna apet
E sa kujtime po kurgjo s'na mbet
Gjith kom mendu se bohet ma mir
Veq premtimeqdo dit e ma shtir
Dikush nuk ka buk e dikush jeton mir
Veq muj me than se kosova eshte e lir
Mensur kadriu
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
Zero pes
E sa deshmori e dha jeten per liri
E sot nuk ka buk me hanger fmija ti
S'dihet ku jeton e a ka edhe shpi
E kta perdit atje ndrrohen n'qeveri
S'po muj me nejt kto fjal pa i than
Dije qe loti jetimit osht i ran
Ai se ka baben per kosove e ka dhan
Qaj nana loke edhe pse se meriton
Veq 1 flamur na e kem me dy ngjyra
E kta na prunen edhe njo me 6 ylla
Prap si emer ti kosove je ma e mira
Kuq e zi un jetoj veq me dy ngjyra
Mensur kadriu
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
Zero pes
Lamtumir kosove e dika po du me ik
Vendlindja jem bash qaty ku jom rrit
Gjak shqiptari qdo her me tradit
E kta tjert po luftojn per 1 karrik
Pe lo ket flamur e po nisna ne gurbet
Edhe pse atje kerkush nuk na pret
M'fal oj nan nashta kthehna apet
E sa kujtime po kurgjo s'na mbet
Gjith kom mendu se bohet ma mir
Veq premtimeqdo dit e ma shtir
Dikush nuk ka buk e dikush jeton mir
Veq muj me than se kosova eshte e lir
Mensur kadriu
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
Zero pes
E sa deshmori e dha jeten per liri
E sot nuk ka buk me hanger fmija ti
S'dihet ku jeton e a ka edhe shpi
E kta perdit atje ndrrohen n'qeveri
S'po muj me nejt kto fjal pa i than
Dije qe loti jetimit osht i ran
Ai se ka baben per kosove e ka dhan
Qaj nana loke edhe pse se meriton
Veq 1 flamur na e kem me dy ngjyra
E kta na prunen edhe njo me 6 ylla
Prap si emer ti kosove je ma e mira
Kuq e zi un jetoj veq me dy ngjyra
Mensur kadriu
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
E lash gjakun e jap jeten un per ket vatan
Bonma bonma mu hallall a ma bon hallall oj nan
Sorry Me Mom

Mensur kadri
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom sorry me mom
Zero pes
Goodbye Kosovo, you want me to leave
My birthplace is the same city where I grew up
Albanian blood always with tradition
This other one is fighting for 1 seat
Let's leave this flag and start the journey
Although no one is waiting for us there
I'm sorry, I'll be back tonight
And how many memories we don't have left
Everyone thinks it's better
He kept making promises every day
Someone has no bread and someone lives well
Only a month ago they told me that Kosovo is free
Mensur kadri
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom Sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom
Sorry me mom
Zero pes
How many martyrs gave their lives for freedom
Today there is no bread with a hanger, you child
It is not known where he lives and whether he has a home
This day they are changed in the government
I haven't said these words to him in a month
Know that the orphan's tear fell
He gave his father for Kosovo
Cry nana loke even though you deserve it
I have only 1 flag with two colors
This gives us another 6 stars
Also, as a name, Kosovo is the best
Red and black, I only live in two colors
Mensur kadri
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom Sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom Sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom sorry me mom
Zero pes
Goodbye Kosovo, you want me to leave
My birthplace is the same city where I grew up
Albanian blood always with tradition
This other one is fighting for 1 seat
Let's leave this flag and start the journey
Although no one is waiting for us there
I'm sorry, I'll be back tonight
And how many memories we don't have left
Everyone thinks it's better
He kept making promises every day
Someone has no bread and someone lives well
Only a month ago they told me that Kosovo is free
Mensur kadri
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom Sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom
Sorry me mom
Zero pes
How many martyrs gave their lives for freedom
Today there is no bread with a hanger, you child
It is not known where he lives and whether he has a home
This day they are changed in the government
I haven't said these words to him in a month
Know that the orphan's tear fell
He gave his father for Kosovo
Cry nana loke even though you deserve it
I have only 1 flag with two colors
This gives us another 6 stars
Also, as a name, Kosovo is the best
Red and black, I only live in two colors
Mensur kadri
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom Sorry me mom
I shed my blood and give my life for this country
Sorry me mom Sorry me mom
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