Ufo Click
Shit Rizell


the venus of fat vizen
Getting the daddy sharpshootizem
Live on a televizor bout the babysitter
Oh no from steelin flour a bough
I can see you digging your nose
Motherfucker must me def
Who is your boss
Your vizzle ma sizzle and crizzle
Si mizzle a mud drat dizz em
Let's shizzle because of the lizzle
Shum keq po m'vizzle shit izzle
You still sillerz in
Vizzle snichez in
In a dizzel in
Smooth back
I cry and liv Underground
Swooze a fazzle in
Under you undermine your ass
Undertake like an undertaker
I take you under your fucking blunder
I wonder what they call me??? BIG MOUTH
I wonder what they call me??? BIG MOUTH


E per fillim po hi sikur i pari pi funit
Lo shej n'kit qytet sikur vershimet e lumit
Thellsia m'perket fjala qi i jep kuptim jetes
Qe nuk kuptohet kalojm n'cep leht
Informohet qe te shtohet
Kur realiteti prej dissit dallohet
Pis djal i mir masi q'ja ke kris
Shum po t'ka hije plisi
Kush idhnohet
Le t'shkon ka ti shkohet
Gratis prej meje sun transferohet
Kshtu qe le t'rrin n'venin ku i qohet
Cili ke ti ja spe di spo m'kujtohet
Hajt se t'thirri nese m'kujtohet
Krejt n'varet n'qfar disponimi njeri qohet
Njeri si njeri per qata njofothet
Zor o me pas pun me klloshar
Ni sen nuk zbatohet andrra 1 milion dollar


Kur pret qata qe smun pa t'pa
Sje tu pa qe merre kta
tjeter nuk ka se qka ke pa
Veten tu ra qe thuma pra
Kur e she veten thuma tu ra
Trauma ktu ka............
Dal ju kqyri nese du gllupa me pa
N'verzhdrima u mush kupa me a
A ki krenari per liriken qe e ki
Sa shkruj per 24 ore ti ski diskografi
Stliograf i bi masi se qysh t'pshurri n'V.I.P
T'dhi IP se smunesh me na rrxu edhe nese je si B.I.G