2po2 Ft. Unikkatil
Kryt Nalt

Hello from the other side
Komt n tok amo kryt gjith nalt
Suksesi o ka pret jasht
Dil e kape me deshir t madhe n asht
Dil deshmoje sa ki kapacitet
Qysh je rrit dy her ma i fort se krejt
Hejterat boni me pagu shtrejt
Mos i harro rrojt e tua t kalumen e ki t shenjt
Me u bo ma puntor se tjert
Me nejt i vertet me u bo shembull n jet
Prej tjerve mos me prit po mi gra vet
Mi ndjek andrrat deri sa ti nxejsh krejt
Bonu poet, shkrujt t ardhmen vet
hini graji me vullnet
Bonja vetes sa ma let
Mos u merr me siklet ti veq ktheji syt ka rret
Krejt senet vet kan me rra n vend t vet
Kryt nalt ky osht veq fillimi
Lufto deri sa ti del tymi
Hey!Boni me pshty vner
Le ta din qimt e nanes se sa ki ti vler
Nxerre mat miren prej vetes
Merre mat miren prej jetes x2
M kujtohet kur jam kon n rreth qe m dyshojke
Noshta ty tkish nal po mu um motivojke
Ska sen ma mir se me plas inatqorrin
I ki nal ata po jo se prek VIKTORIN
Armiku ma i madh gjindet ktu n kry
Kur e bind veten tjert mujn mu qi
Gjinja si un jo merzin se dojn
Per fitore kan dashni e per humbje jo s menojn
Edhe me ndodh un najher me hup
Duhet apet gjithmon mu kthy ma fort me ja fut
Jo dost, ti ndrro dost, shkurt osht jeto dost
Ndaq ti vajto veq une nuk kom koh dost
Ka do qe kqyr ta han ka nji sahat
Ma mir me shfrytzu ket sen sa ki takat
Jeta po ik e smuna me ble
Po qdo dit qe e kom duna me bo me vle
Kryt nalt ky osht veq fillimi
Lufto deri sa ti del tymi
Hey!Boni me pshty vner
Le ta din qimt e nanes se sa ki ti vler
Nxjerre mat miren prej vetes
Merre mat miren prej jetes x2
Hello from the other side
Komt n tok amo kryt gjith nalt
Suksesi o ka pret jasht
Dil e kape me deshir t madhe n asht
Dil deshmoje sa ki kapacitet
Qysh je rrit dy her ma i fort se krejt
Hejterat boni me pagu shtrejt
Mos i harro rrojt e tua t kalumen e ki t shenjt
Me u bo ma puntor se tjert
Me nejt i vertet me u bo shembull n jet
Prej tjerve mos me prit po mi gra vet
Mi ndjek andrrat deri sa ti nxejsh krejt
Bonu poet, shkrujt t ardhmen vet
hini graji me vullnet
Bonja vetes sa ma let
Mos u merr me siklet ti veq ktheji syt ka rret
Krejt senet vet kan me rra n vend t vet
Kryt nalt ky osht veq fillimi
Lufto deri sa ti del tymi
Hey!Boni me pshty vner
Le ta din qimt e nanes se sa ki ti vler
Nxerre mat miren prej vetes
Merre mat miren prej jetes x2
M kujtohet kur jam kon n rreth qe m dyshojke
Noshta ty tkish nal po mu um motivojke
Ska sen ma mir se me plas inatqorrin
I ki nal ata po jo se prek VIKTORIN
Armiku ma i madh gjindet ktu n kry
Kur e bind veten tjert mujn mu qi
Gjinja si un jo merzin se dojn
Per fitore kan dashni e per humbje jo s menojn
Edhe me ndodh un najher me hup
Duhet apet gjithmon mu kthy ma fort me ja fut
Jo dost, ti ndrro dost, shkurt osht jeto dost
Ndaq ti vajto veq une nuk kom koh dost
Ka do qe kqyr ta han ka nji sahat
Ma mir me shfrytzu ket sen sa ki takat
Jeta po ik e smuna me ble
Po qdo dit qe e kom duna me bo me vle
Kryt nalt ky osht veq fillimi
Lufto deri sa ti del tymi
Hey!Boni me pshty vner
Le ta din qimt e nanes se sa ki ti vler
Nxjerre mat miren prej vetes
Merre mat miren prej jetes x2
Head Up

Hello from the other side
Be down to earth but always hold your head up
Success is waiting outside
Go out there and reach it with a deep desire in your bones
Come out and prove the extent of your capacity
And how you grew up two times harder than the rest
Make your haters pay a hefty price
Don't forget your roots because your past is sacred
You gotta work harder than the rest
Staying true while becoming an example
Not expecting others but handling your own things
Chasing dreams until you catch them all
Become a poet write your own fate
Willfully pursue it so you can ease up your path
Never stress just look up at the clouds
All of the things will fall in their own place
Hold your head up it's only the beggining
Fight! Until you see the smoke
Hey! Make them choke up
So those motherf*ckers see your worth
Show the best out of yourself
Get the best out of life x2
I recall when i was surrounded by doubters
What may have stopped some of you was just motivation for me
Nothing better than making a hater burst
You made them freeze up, but you can't touch VIK
The biggest enemy is here inside the head
Convince yourself and the rest can f*ck off
People like me yo, hate negative thinking
Got love for winning because losing isn't even an option
Even if i do happen to lose at some point
Gotta make sure i return and hit them back harder
It wont happen that way, gotta change it up
Cuz life is too short just live it
You can keep crying about sh*t
But i ain't got the time
Anywhere you look it'll eat up another hour
Better take advantage while you got the juice
Life is running off and i can't buy it back
Instead i'll choose to make every remaining day count
Hold your head up it's only the beggining
Fight! Until you see the smoke
Hey! Make them choke up
So those motherf*ckers see your worth
Show the best out of yourself
Get the best out of life x2
Hello from the other side
Be down to earth but always hold your head up
Success is waiting outside
Go out there and reach it with a deep desire in your bones
Come out and prove the extent of your capacity
And how you grew up two times harder than the rest
Make your haters pay a hefty price
Don't forget your roots because your past is sacred
You gotta work harder than the rest
Staying true while becoming an example
Not expecting others but handling your own things
Chasing dreams until you catch them all
Become a poet write your own fate
Willfully pursue it so you can ease up your path
Never stress just look up at the clouds
All of the things will fall in their own place
Hold your head up it's only the beggining
Fight! Until you see the smoke
Hey! Make them choke up
So those motherf*ckers see your worth
Show the best out of yourself
Get the best out of life x2
I recall when i was surrounded by doubters
What may have stopped some of you was just motivation for me
Nothing better than making a hater burst
You made them freeze up, but you can't touch VIK
The biggest enemy is here inside the head
Convince yourself and the rest can f*ck off
People like me yo, hate negative thinking
Got love for winning because losing isn't even an option
Even if i do happen to lose at some point
Gotta make sure i return and hit them back harder
It wont happen that way, gotta change it up
Cuz life is too short just live it
You can keep crying about sh*t
But i ain't got the time
Anywhere you look it'll eat up another hour
Better take advantage while you got the juice
Life is running off and i can't buy it back
Instead i'll choose to make every remaining day count
Hold your head up it's only the beggining
Fight! Until you see the smoke
Hey! Make them choke up
So those motherf*ckers see your worth
Show the best out of yourself
Get the best out of life x2
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