Alban Skënderaj
Thirrje E Deshperuar
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Ju kuptoj o njerez qe kurre s'ju kane pranuar
Ju pranoj o njerez qe kurre s'ju kane degjuar
Ju degjoj o njerez qe zerin ua kane harruar
Jo s'mund t'ju harroj gjithmone per ju kam per te kenduar

Ju dëgjoj, ju kuptoj
Ju pranoj, jo s'ju harroj
Ju që buza, s'ju gëzoi
Dhe bota në sofrën e saj të pasur
Një lugë për ju s'e shtoi
Ju ka ndare, zemren ju ka vrare

Nje thirrje te deshperuar qe askush nuk e degjoi
Askush nuk e pranoi
Pa nisur perfundoi
Liber i pashkruar qe askush nuk e shfletoi
I lene ne erresire ku pluhuri e mbuloi

Edhe ne jete (edhe ne jete)
te gjithe luajne per te fituar
Por veç per ju loja pa nisur ka perfunduar

Mos hidh nje hap(mos hidh nje hap)
ujku dhembet i ka zbuluar
Mos hidhni nje hap, toka rreth jush eshte deminuar

Ju dëgjoj, ju kuptoj
Ju pranoj, jo s'ju harroj
Ju që buza, s'ju gëzoi
Dhe bota në sofrën e saj të pasur
Një lugë për ju s'e shtoi

Nje thirrje te deshperuar askush nuk e degjoi
Akush nuk e pranoi
Qe pa nisur perfundoi
Liber i pa shkruar qe askush nuk e shfletoi
I lene ne erresire ku pluhuri e mbuloi
A Desperate Call
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
I understand you people that never were accepted
I accepted you people that were never heard
I hear you people that they all forgot your voice
No i cant forget; I'll always sing for you

I hear you . I understand you
I accept you, no i wont forget you
Your lips that never smiled
And the world in its rich table
Never added a spoon for you
it has separated you ..hurt your heart

A desperate call that no one heard
No one accepted
Without beginning it ended
An unwritten book that no one read
Left in the dark where dust covered it

And in life everyone plays to win
but only for you the game before starting it ended

Dont take a step ( Dont take a step)
The wolf has shown its teeth
Don't take a step , the earth around you is cover in mines

I listen to you , I believe you
A fortune above poverty i will not a accept
You all that fate condemned
And the world in its rich table
a spoon for you it did not add
A desperate call that no one heard
that before beginning it ended
An unwritten book that no one read
Left in the dark where dust covered it
Komente 1