Alban Skënderaj
Flag ShqipShqip
Eshte e veshtire te jesh i lire
kur e ke te lidhur zemren me zinxhire
E di e di, po flet ai
qe dikur kish boten nen kembet e tij

Dhe tani i mungon, dhe tani e mundon
vec ti

Nuk ka dje, nuk ka sot, nuk ka neser
Pse kaq vone po e kuptoj
se pa ty nuk jam une as ne qiell,
as ne toke, as ne enderr
Pse me verboi kjo krenari
kur gjithcka qe doja ishe ti,
ishe ti, por ti ende nuk e di

Nuk kam me ze, nuk kam me lot
Me beso gjithcka pa ty duket e kotë
E di e di, po flet ai
qe dikur te fali dhimbje dhe vetmi

Dhe tani e lendon ti, dhe tani i mungon ti pa kufi

Nuk ka dje, nuk ka sot, nuk ka neser
Pse kaq vone po e kuptoj
se pa ty nuk jam une as ne qiell,
as ne toke, as ne enderr
Pse me verboi kjo krenari
kur gjithcka qe doja ishe ti,
ishe ti, por ti ende nuk e di
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
it is hard to be free
when your heart is tied up with chains
I know, I know he is speaking
that once there was a world under his feet

And now it lacks and now its trying
but you

There's no yesterday, there's no today, there's no tomorrow
why so late i understand because with out you I'm not
in the sky on the ground not in a dream
why am i blind from this pride
when all i wanted was only you only you
but you still do not know

i have no voice i have no tears
believe me without you its nothing
i know i know he is speaking
that once he forgave pain and solitude

and now you hurt it and now it lacks you

theres no yesterday theres no today theres no tomorrow
why so late i understand because without you I'm not
in the sky on the ground not in a dream
why am i blind from this pride
when all i wanted was only you only you
but you still do not know
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