Alban Skënderaj & Dj Sardi

Ajo gjendet ane e mbane
Shkretetira, oqeanë
Ajo fle ne shpirt ne zemer perjetesisht
Ajo ndez nje ngjyre cdo dite
Ajo zgjon dhe perendite
Per ta thene me thjesht...
Nuk ka rendesi a je ne dush a ne makine
Ajo s’te le nje cast te ndihesh vetem
Ajo eshte droge, alkol, cigare dhe benzine
Adrenaline me shume se gjithcka tjeter
Jo, nuk te buzeqesh gjithmone
Ndonjehere dhe te trishton
Ndonjehere te le pa gjume dhe pastaj te qeteson
E vertete dhe iluzion, marrezi dhe emocion
Imagjino, sa gri do ishte jeta pa muzike
Ti vetem imagjino, nje diell te ftohte dhe pa nje rreze drite
Oh vetem imagjino
Ajo nuk ka nevoje nga ty per orientim
Ajo nuk ka nevoje per lejen tende
Ajo eshte tempull ku cdo zemer gjen strehim
Nje mike e sinqerte per shpirt dhe mendje
Jo, nuk te buzeqesh gjithmone
Ndonjehere dhe te trishton
Ndonjehere te le pa gjume dhe pastaj te qeteson
E vertete dhe iluzion, marrezi dhe emocion
Shkretetira, oqeanë
Ajo fle ne shpirt ne zemer perjetesisht
Ajo ndez nje ngjyre cdo dite
Ajo zgjon dhe perendite
Per ta thene me thjesht...
Nuk ka rendesi a je ne dush a ne makine
Ajo s’te le nje cast te ndihesh vetem
Ajo eshte droge, alkol, cigare dhe benzine
Adrenaline me shume se gjithcka tjeter
Jo, nuk te buzeqesh gjithmone
Ndonjehere dhe te trishton
Ndonjehere te le pa gjume dhe pastaj te qeteson
E vertete dhe iluzion, marrezi dhe emocion
Imagjino, sa gri do ishte jeta pa muzike
Ti vetem imagjino, nje diell te ftohte dhe pa nje rreze drite
Oh vetem imagjino
Ajo nuk ka nevoje nga ty per orientim
Ajo nuk ka nevoje per lejen tende
Ajo eshte tempull ku cdo zemer gjen strehim
Nje mike e sinqerte per shpirt dhe mendje
Jo, nuk te buzeqesh gjithmone
Ndonjehere dhe te trishton
Ndonjehere te le pa gjume dhe pastaj te qeteson
E vertete dhe iluzion, marrezi dhe emocion

It's found everywhere
In the deserts, in the oceans
It sleeps in the soul and heart forever
It sparks a colour every day
It awakens the gods
To put it more simply...
It's not important whether you're in the shower or in a car
It doesn't let you feel alone (even) for a moment
It's drugs, alcohol, cigar and gasoline
(It's) Adrenaline more than anything else
No, it doesn't always make you smile
Sometimes it makes you sad
Sometimes it leaves you sleepless and then it calms you
Reality and illusion, insanity and emotion
Imagine, how gray life would be without music
Just imagine a cold sun without a ray of sunshine
Oh, just imagine
It doesn't need orientation from you
It doesn't need your permission
It's the temple in which every heart finds shelter
A true friend of the soul and the mind
No, it doesn't always make you smile
Sometimes it makes you sad
Sometimes it leaves you sleepless and then it calms you
Reality and illusion, insanity and emotion
Imagine, how gray life would be without music
Just imagine a cold sun without a ray of sunshine
Oh, just imagine
Mm, mm, imagine...
It's found everywhere
In the deserts, in the oceans
It sleeps in the soul and heart forever
It sparks a colour every day
It awakens the gods
Imagine, how gray life would be without music
Just imagine a cold sun without a ray of sunshine
Oh, just imagine
In the deserts, in the oceans
It sleeps in the soul and heart forever
It sparks a colour every day
It awakens the gods
To put it more simply...
It's not important whether you're in the shower or in a car
It doesn't let you feel alone (even) for a moment
It's drugs, alcohol, cigar and gasoline
(It's) Adrenaline more than anything else
No, it doesn't always make you smile
Sometimes it makes you sad
Sometimes it leaves you sleepless and then it calms you
Reality and illusion, insanity and emotion
Imagine, how gray life would be without music
Just imagine a cold sun without a ray of sunshine
Oh, just imagine
It doesn't need orientation from you
It doesn't need your permission
It's the temple in which every heart finds shelter
A true friend of the soul and the mind
No, it doesn't always make you smile
Sometimes it makes you sad
Sometimes it leaves you sleepless and then it calms you
Reality and illusion, insanity and emotion
Imagine, how gray life would be without music
Just imagine a cold sun without a ray of sunshine
Oh, just imagine
Mm, mm, imagine...
It's found everywhere
In the deserts, in the oceans
It sleeps in the soul and heart forever
It sparks a colour every day
It awakens the gods
Imagine, how gray life would be without music
Just imagine a cold sun without a ray of sunshine
Oh, just imagine
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