Alban Skënderaj
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Lea kercen si te mos kishte asnje problem
Lea kendon se asnje lot per ate s‘ia vlen
Dhe asnjehere nuk e pranon te ndihet ne faj
Lea qesh dhe kur duhet te qaj
Se Lea e jeton si do jeten e saj
Mos i fol mos e pyet, lere sonte ne qejfin e vete
Per nje djale vagabond
Lea ngeli ne vitin e trete
Kjo enderr pa shprese arriti nga bota ta ndaj
Tani askush se mbeshtet madje as prinderit e saj

Lea kercen si te mos kishte asnje problem
Lea kendon se asnje lot per ate s‘ia vlen
Dhe asnjehere nuk e pranon te ndihet ne faj
Lea qesh dhe kur duhet te qaj
Se Lea e jeton si do jeten e saj
Ajo nuk do me qe te shtiret si nje tjeter
Tani eshte kthyer qe te jete
Lea e vjeter
Tani eshte Lea "E Zjarrta"
Tani nuk ka ne duar më prangat e arta
Nuk ka rendesi dhe nese i flasin pas shpine
Nuk rendesi nese permendin plote deshtime
Me ne fund eshte vetvetja dhe do jetoj vetem me rregullat e veta
Dhe Lea nuk flet, se ka dinjitet
Nuk bie ajo, se jeten e do
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Lea dance,like she has no care in the world
Lea sing cause it's not worth any single tear
And she never lets herself feel to blame
Lea laugh even when she feels to cry
Cause Lea lives her life however she pleased
Don't talk to her,don't ask her,today just let her enjoy herself
For a boy nothing more than problems
Lea failed in her third grade
This hopeless dream managed to separate her from real world
Now no-one is left to support her,not even her parents.

Lea dance,like she has no care in the world
Lea sing cause it's not worth any single tear
And she never lets herself feel to blame
Lea laugh even when she feels to cry
Cause Lea lives her life however she pleased
She wants no longer to pretend to be someone else
Now Lea is back to being her usual self
Now she is Lea on fire
Her hands now are free from the golden handcuff
It doesn't matter if they talk behind her back
iz doesn't matter if the mention how many failures
Finally,she is herself,and she will live by her own rules
And Lea doesn't speak,cause she has dignity
she will not faull,because she loves life
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