Alban Skënderaj
E Ashpër Si Gjithmonë
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Alban Skenderaj - E ashper si gjithmone

Te lutem rri me mua dhe pak me gjat
Dhe po me the te dua nuk ben mekat
E ashper si gjithmone
Perse me refuzon

Ti prej ndjenjes nuk biee
Ti e mban zemren ne hije

E ashper si gjithmone
Eja ni her
Perse me refuzon
Edhe ni her (edhe ni her)

A do me doje ti ne gjuj si e marr
A do me doje ti me zemer te vrar
Dhe un e di qe ty te pelqen
Te shoh ne sy kur me genjen
Se ti mund te ishe nje tjeter
Do zgjidhja versionin e vejter

E ashper si gjithmone (e ashper si gjithmone)
Eja ni her (eja ni her)
Perse me refuzon (perse me refuzon)
Edhe ni her (edhe ni her)
Tough As Always
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Please stay with me for just a little bit more
And if you say you love me don't tell a lie

It's tough as always
Why do you refuse me

You don't get caught in feelings
You keep your heart in the shadows

It's tough as always
Come here one time
Why do you refuze me
Another time (another time)

Would you like me on my knees as I take it
Would you love me with a broken heart
And I know that you like it
To look me in the eyes as you lie to me

Oh that you could be another
I would choose the older version

Repeat 3x:
It's tough as always (it's tough as always)
Come here one time (come here just once)
Why do you refuse me (why do you refuse me)
And another time (and once again)
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