Ardian Bujupi
All Night II
All Night II
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Yeah Im in the meeting, I'm to busy
Yes she gonna like, she like to kiss me
I'm better than heard
But she's an amaizing girl
Ou she can to move, ye she do, like a pro
I like how she smell, How she ride to the song
You now What? But was a time when i never we do this to you
But thinks just changed, you know the better so keep the all that night
Yes she gonna like, she like to kiss me
I'm better than heard
But she's an amaizing girl
Ou she can to move, ye she do, like a pro
I like how she smell, How she ride to the song
You now What? But was a time when i never we do this to you
But thinks just changed, you know the better so keep the all that night
- Publikimi: 08/01/2015
- Ora: 18:59
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