BimBimma Ft. Arianit Bellopoja
1 Ka 1

Mirsevini ne jeten reale
Ktu i miri dek heret e i keqi kadale
Maje ndergjegjen e paster e mos bo dalje
Baje se kur tbohesh pishman per faje
E lyp po ski me e gjet njerin mi kerku falje
Ruju se as e mira as e keqja skan skaje
E nsaje te ksaj perkrahi se metesh vetem bash qather kur tvyn perkrahje
Na sjena veq lokalista po popull qe jeton per lokale
Prej qe u dal fejsbuku po jetojm en portale
Tash o normale mos me pas vlera morale
Mvjen mi lidh komt nkonop e me shku me flejt me korale
Shpirti po varfnohet e po shendrrohet nmateriale
Se kjo shperlamje na ka shti me jetu si nseriale
Sureale jeta kur bjen me shku nfunerale
Nalna ndetaje se mdoket qe po jetoj nlibrin e 1 prralle
Ksaj here sem del gjumi as me ra prej shkallve
Munohna shum po un sun qohna prej andrre
I lutna zotit nmramje
Qe krejt kjo mu kon jorgani nfund tkamve
Pom dhimen gjinja qe jon tu dal prej vetit
Se kapitalizmi jau ka ndrru realitetin
Jon qerru se ton jeten e njekin lekin
Tu e dit qe kur desin as centin se marrin me veti
Mlujten dhipat ma shum pllastik se mish
Zot runa po si kisha prek as me gisht
En fakt si kisha prek as me shtag
1 c*c ma posht 1 ma nalt e gojen si qerap
Jau q**sha pushtetin
Jeni bo si qen secili en rrush tvetin
Mes njoni tjetrit kryt sdini me qu prej rushfetit
E per pun tlekit shum njeri osht tu e lshu shtetin
O ma kadal bre
A pe shihni qka jeni tu bo
Po a jeni normal bre
Per qka u derdh ton ai gjak bre
Qe profiterat e luftes me na lon pa tardhme
Blej bilet ti
Skom huq veq un po kena huq krejt mileti
Thojn kjo jet o secili per veti
Po mu pas kon secili per veti
E kishem pas Kosoven me deti
Qka bone a je mir ku je ti
Njerzt jon dek pa ju plotsu amaneti
Ishalla ju ka shperbly xhehneti
Se sot kishin hjek tshkretit ja kishin fut plum vetit
I numroj dit 1 ka 1
Oooo nuk po ndrron kurgjo
Mos e hup shpresen beso ti
Kurr mos u dorzo
I numroj vjet 1 ka 1
Oooo e njejta storje nto
Mos e hup shpresen beso ti
Kurr mos u dorzo
Ktu i miri dek heret e i keqi kadale
Maje ndergjegjen e paster e mos bo dalje
Baje se kur tbohesh pishman per faje
E lyp po ski me e gjet njerin mi kerku falje
Ruju se as e mira as e keqja skan skaje
E nsaje te ksaj perkrahi se metesh vetem bash qather kur tvyn perkrahje
Na sjena veq lokalista po popull qe jeton per lokale
Prej qe u dal fejsbuku po jetojm en portale
Tash o normale mos me pas vlera morale
Mvjen mi lidh komt nkonop e me shku me flejt me korale
Shpirti po varfnohet e po shendrrohet nmateriale
Se kjo shperlamje na ka shti me jetu si nseriale
Sureale jeta kur bjen me shku nfunerale
Nalna ndetaje se mdoket qe po jetoj nlibrin e 1 prralle
Ksaj here sem del gjumi as me ra prej shkallve
Munohna shum po un sun qohna prej andrre
I lutna zotit nmramje
Qe krejt kjo mu kon jorgani nfund tkamve
Pom dhimen gjinja qe jon tu dal prej vetit
Se kapitalizmi jau ka ndrru realitetin
Jon qerru se ton jeten e njekin lekin
Tu e dit qe kur desin as centin se marrin me veti
Mlujten dhipat ma shum pllastik se mish
Zot runa po si kisha prek as me gisht
En fakt si kisha prek as me shtag
1 c*c ma posht 1 ma nalt e gojen si qerap
Jau q**sha pushtetin
Jeni bo si qen secili en rrush tvetin
Mes njoni tjetrit kryt sdini me qu prej rushfetit
E per pun tlekit shum njeri osht tu e lshu shtetin
O ma kadal bre
A pe shihni qka jeni tu bo
Po a jeni normal bre
Per qka u derdh ton ai gjak bre
Qe profiterat e luftes me na lon pa tardhme
Blej bilet ti
Skom huq veq un po kena huq krejt mileti
Thojn kjo jet o secili per veti
Po mu pas kon secili per veti
E kishem pas Kosoven me deti
Qka bone a je mir ku je ti
Njerzt jon dek pa ju plotsu amaneti
Ishalla ju ka shperbly xhehneti
Se sot kishin hjek tshkretit ja kishin fut plum vetit
I numroj dit 1 ka 1
Oooo nuk po ndrron kurgjo
Mos e hup shpresen beso ti
Kurr mos u dorzo
I numroj vjet 1 ka 1
Oooo e njejta storje nto
Mos e hup shpresen beso ti
Kurr mos u dorzo
One By One

Welcome to real life
Where the bad men live long
And the righteous die young
Keep ur consioussness clean
And stop denying
Bare it!
Cuz, when u regret ur sins
U will search uppon the person to say sorry to
Beware, cuz niether "the good" nor "the evil" have limits
Accordin to this!
Support them otherwise ull stand alone when u need support
We're not just localists,
But we are people that live for local bars
Eversince Facebook, we live in blogs
Now its normal to not have moral values
It makes me tie a rope to my feet
And go sleep with chorales
The soul is geting impoverished
And transforming into materials!
Because this brainwash is making us live like they live in soap operas,
Life seems Surreal when i attend funerals
I focus on details, cuz its seems like im living in a book of fairy tails,
But this time it seems i cant wake up from my sleep even if i fall down the stairs
I endlessly try, but i cant wake up from the dream!
I pray to God at nightfall,
For all this to be an illusion!
Im counting days one by one
Thus nothing is changing!
Dont loose hope, believe...
And dont you ever give up!
Im counting years one by one
Thus the samy story goes on and on
Dont loose hope, believe...
And dont you ever give up!
I pitty the people that are loosing themselves
Cuz capitalism changed their reality
They have been blinded by chasing cash throughout their whole lives
Even though they're aware that when they die they wont take a single penny to the other side!
Females make me sick! They're made of plactic more than flesh!
May God save us!
I wouldnt lay a finger on them
In fact, i wouldnt even touch them with a stick
On them displaced tits and their silicone done lips
Fuck ur reign,
You turned into selfish pricks who care only for themselves
U keep bribing one another, whereas for money issues a lot of people are abandoning the country
Ooo slow down a bit, cool off, take it easy
Can u see your deeds, are u even sain?
Why has all that blood been spilled for?
So that war profiteers can leave us with NO future?
Buy urself a ticket! Its not just me who's gone nuts, my whole nation did!
For this life, Its been said: "every man for himself"
If it were to be true, Kosovo would have a seaside!
Do i have ur attention!
People have died
Without their death wishes being fulfilled
InshaAllah heaven has been rewarded to them!
Otherwise if they would have been alive today! They would have suffered and shot themselves!
Where the bad men live long
And the righteous die young
Keep ur consioussness clean
And stop denying
Bare it!
Cuz, when u regret ur sins
U will search uppon the person to say sorry to
Beware, cuz niether "the good" nor "the evil" have limits
Accordin to this!
Support them otherwise ull stand alone when u need support
We're not just localists,
But we are people that live for local bars
Eversince Facebook, we live in blogs
Now its normal to not have moral values
It makes me tie a rope to my feet
And go sleep with chorales
The soul is geting impoverished
And transforming into materials!
Because this brainwash is making us live like they live in soap operas,
Life seems Surreal when i attend funerals
I focus on details, cuz its seems like im living in a book of fairy tails,
But this time it seems i cant wake up from my sleep even if i fall down the stairs
I endlessly try, but i cant wake up from the dream!
I pray to God at nightfall,
For all this to be an illusion!
Im counting days one by one
Thus nothing is changing!
Dont loose hope, believe...
And dont you ever give up!
Im counting years one by one
Thus the samy story goes on and on
Dont loose hope, believe...
And dont you ever give up!
I pitty the people that are loosing themselves
Cuz capitalism changed their reality
They have been blinded by chasing cash throughout their whole lives
Even though they're aware that when they die they wont take a single penny to the other side!
Females make me sick! They're made of plactic more than flesh!
May God save us!
I wouldnt lay a finger on them
In fact, i wouldnt even touch them with a stick
On them displaced tits and their silicone done lips
Fuck ur reign,
You turned into selfish pricks who care only for themselves
U keep bribing one another, whereas for money issues a lot of people are abandoning the country
Ooo slow down a bit, cool off, take it easy
Can u see your deeds, are u even sain?
Why has all that blood been spilled for?
So that war profiteers can leave us with NO future?
Buy urself a ticket! Its not just me who's gone nuts, my whole nation did!
For this life, Its been said: "every man for himself"
If it were to be true, Kosovo would have a seaside!
Do i have ur attention!
People have died
Without their death wishes being fulfilled
InshaAllah heaven has been rewarded to them!
Otherwise if they would have been alive today! They would have suffered and shot themselves!
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