Arif Vladi
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta

Enver Hoxha e mprehi shpaten,
Edhe nje here o per situaten.
Kjo asht shpata qe u rrin tek koka,
Gjithe armiqve o qe ka bota.
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta!
Sa keto male e sa keto shkrepa!
Zanin Shqipes lart ia ngrite!
Gjithe kete popull ne drite e qite!
Ylli i kuq shnderrin mbi maja.
Bjen daullja edhe zyrnaja.
Porsi nuse asht ba Shqipnia.
Flamurtare i prin Partia.
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta!
Sa keto male e sa keto shkrepa!
Zanin Shqipes lart ia ngrite!
Gjithe kete popull ne drite e qite!
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta!
Sa keto male e sa keto shkrepa!
Zanin Shqipes lart ia ngrite!
Gjithe kete popull ne drite e qite!
Edhe nje here o per situaten.
Kjo asht shpata qe u rrin tek koka,
Gjithe armiqve o qe ka bota.
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta!
Sa keto male e sa keto shkrepa!
Zanin Shqipes lart ia ngrite!
Gjithe kete popull ne drite e qite!
Ylli i kuq shnderrin mbi maja.
Bjen daullja edhe zyrnaja.
Porsi nuse asht ba Shqipnia.
Flamurtare i prin Partia.
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta!
Sa keto male e sa keto shkrepa!
Zanin Shqipes lart ia ngrite!
Gjithe kete popull ne drite e qite!
Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta!
Sa keto male e sa keto shkrepa!
Zanin Shqipes lart ia ngrite!
Gjithe kete popull ne drite e qite!
Long Live Enver Hoxha

Enver Hoxha sharpened his sword,
Once again for the situation,
This is the sword that hangs above the heads,
of all enemies around the world.
Long live Enver Hoxha,
as long as these mountains and as these cliffs!
You raised the eagle's voice up high!
You pulled this entire nation out into the light!
The red star shines above the mountain tops,
Drums and bagpipes are playing,
Albania has turned into a bride,
The Party is leading her forward with a flag.
Long live Enver Hoxha,
as long as these mountains and as these cliffs!
You raised the eagle's voice up high!
You pulled this entire nation out into the light!
Long live Enver Hoxha,
as long as these mountains and as these cliffs!
You raised the eagle's voice up high!
You pulled this entire nation out into the light!
Once again for the situation,
This is the sword that hangs above the heads,
of all enemies around the world.
Long live Enver Hoxha,
as long as these mountains and as these cliffs!
You raised the eagle's voice up high!
You pulled this entire nation out into the light!
The red star shines above the mountain tops,
Drums and bagpipes are playing,
Albania has turned into a bride,
The Party is leading her forward with a flag.
Long live Enver Hoxha,
as long as these mountains and as these cliffs!
You raised the eagle's voice up high!
You pulled this entire nation out into the light!
Long live Enver Hoxha,
as long as these mountains and as these cliffs!
You raised the eagle's voice up high!
You pulled this entire nation out into the light!
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