Under The Shadow Of God
Under The Shadow Of God
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Shaping a morbid god,
baptised by ignorance.
Spread as pestilence,
like cancer, throughout earth.
Raised through primitive fears
and fed with pagan flesh.
Tearing souls and minds.
By turning them into host of fear.
Getting them unarmed
and forcing them to look
our world decay
and vanished into chaos
The promised land
a will of god
a will to be
The earth...
The earth conquered
And the fallen...
The fallen stay awake
under the shadows of god.
Shaping the morbid god,
In the image of human beings
Spread as pestilence.
His force will be unchallenged
Raised by the sword of terror
and wet it with pagan blood
Rip my soul
until the empire falls.
Shaping a morbid god,
baptised by ignorance.
Spread as pestilence,
like cancer, throughout earth.
Raised by the sword of terror...
Raised by the sword of lies...
baptised by ignorance.
Spread as pestilence,
like cancer, throughout earth.
Raised through primitive fears
and fed with pagan flesh.
Tearing souls and minds.
By turning them into host of fear.
Getting them unarmed
and forcing them to look
our world decay
and vanished into chaos
The promised land
a will of god
a will to be
The earth...
The earth conquered
And the fallen...
The fallen stay awake
under the shadows of god.
Shaping the morbid god,
In the image of human beings
Spread as pestilence.
His force will be unchallenged
Raised by the sword of terror
and wet it with pagan blood
Rip my soul
until the empire falls.
Shaping a morbid god,
baptised by ignorance.
Spread as pestilence,
like cancer, throughout earth.
Raised by the sword of terror...
Raised by the sword of lies...
- Publikimi: 23/06/2014
- Ora: 11:54
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