Aurora Kapo
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
blu blue blue jeans
jeans jeans jeans
she got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant sing to in to overd drive
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
he got a body like a
horgulsa but a cant s
- Publikimi: 01/08/2008
- Ora: 00:00
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