E Lype E Gjete

Laarg sa larg ne po jetojm
njeri-tjetrin e fajsojm
njeri tjetrit nuk i besojm
No No oouoo//
tash esht me mir ta pefundojm
qfar kaluam ta harrojm //
shum me mir as mos ta kujtojm //
no no no no //
tash nuk ka rëndësi kush ishim ne te dy //
ti po jeton pa mua,un po jetoj pa ty//
nuk do ket takim sy më sy //
faji s`mbet jetim kesaj here mbet tek ti //
harroje tash dikë që të do vërtet //
po kerkon me mir hajt se ke me gjet //
e veshtir per mu , per ty shum e leht//
ti do me kerkosh por von dot jet//
qka kerkove tash e gjete//
pa mua deshe pa mua mbete //
se degjon me frymen time //
o joo
jeton me kujtime //
një fat tjeter do ta gjej //
sjan veq fjal un po e ndjej //
tash mendoj per jeten time //
o jo ska më mashtrime. //
a pe shef jeta ndryshon//
kurgjo n'jet gjithmon s'jeton//
najher hup najher fiton//
n'qet loj kush met kampion //
qesaj here per ty nuk ka falje//
un per veti gjej rrugdalje //
bo qa dush je e lir//
a qa boj un mos ma baj gajle //
e din qysh jom//
shum mir m'njeh//
me mu je kon ti deri dje //
me fjal sa shum m'paske dasht//
e tash bohesh kishe spom sheh //
nuk osht problem veq vazhdo per para//
me kalim e kohes qelen shum varra /
qateher e kupton qe ke bo gabim //
qe ke hup diqka qe per ty nuk ka kthim //
me tjera kom shku e ke kuptu //
po me zemer ty kurr s`t'kom tradhtu //
jom kon me ty e je kon me mu //
qka ndodhi tash shpejt ke ndryshu //
nashta i ke ngu per mu qat kan thon //
osht kshtu ashtu e naton keton//
vazhdo ngooj llafet qato t'qesi n'DRIT//
qa ki me dasht kurr ski me arrit//
Hiq spom intereson qka bon a me kon je//
kurr ski mem pas qe pot t`boj Be//
se qishtu e lype qishtu e gjete //
tash pe sheh ku jom e ti kum mete//
tash ngoj qito fjal//
per ty i kom shkru//
kurr ski mem ni tut thon I LOVE YOU//
so faji jem zemer koka kon e shkrume
un edhe ti histori e harrume
qka kerkove tash e gjete
pa mua deshe pa mua mbete
se dëgjon më frymen time
o jo
jeton me kujtime
nje fat tjeter do ta gjej
sjan veq fjal un po e ndjej
tash mendoj per jeten time
o jo ska më mashtrime.
njeri-tjetrin e fajsojm
njeri tjetrit nuk i besojm
No No oouoo//
tash esht me mir ta pefundojm
qfar kaluam ta harrojm //
shum me mir as mos ta kujtojm //
no no no no //
tash nuk ka rëndësi kush ishim ne te dy //
ti po jeton pa mua,un po jetoj pa ty//
nuk do ket takim sy më sy //
faji s`mbet jetim kesaj here mbet tek ti //
harroje tash dikë që të do vërtet //
po kerkon me mir hajt se ke me gjet //
e veshtir per mu , per ty shum e leht//
ti do me kerkosh por von dot jet//
qka kerkove tash e gjete//
pa mua deshe pa mua mbete //
se degjon me frymen time //
o joo
jeton me kujtime //
një fat tjeter do ta gjej //
sjan veq fjal un po e ndjej //
tash mendoj per jeten time //
o jo ska më mashtrime. //
a pe shef jeta ndryshon//
kurgjo n'jet gjithmon s'jeton//
najher hup najher fiton//
n'qet loj kush met kampion //
qesaj here per ty nuk ka falje//
un per veti gjej rrugdalje //
bo qa dush je e lir//
a qa boj un mos ma baj gajle //
e din qysh jom//
shum mir m'njeh//
me mu je kon ti deri dje //
me fjal sa shum m'paske dasht//
e tash bohesh kishe spom sheh //
nuk osht problem veq vazhdo per para//
me kalim e kohes qelen shum varra /
qateher e kupton qe ke bo gabim //
qe ke hup diqka qe per ty nuk ka kthim //
me tjera kom shku e ke kuptu //
po me zemer ty kurr s`t'kom tradhtu //
jom kon me ty e je kon me mu //
qka ndodhi tash shpejt ke ndryshu //
nashta i ke ngu per mu qat kan thon //
osht kshtu ashtu e naton keton//
vazhdo ngooj llafet qato t'qesi n'DRIT//
qa ki me dasht kurr ski me arrit//
Hiq spom intereson qka bon a me kon je//
kurr ski mem pas qe pot t`boj Be//
se qishtu e lype qishtu e gjete //
tash pe sheh ku jom e ti kum mete//
tash ngoj qito fjal//
per ty i kom shkru//
kurr ski mem ni tut thon I LOVE YOU//
so faji jem zemer koka kon e shkrume
un edhe ti histori e harrume
qka kerkove tash e gjete
pa mua deshe pa mua mbete
se dëgjon më frymen time
o jo
jeton me kujtime
nje fat tjeter do ta gjej
sjan veq fjal un po e ndjej
tash mendoj per jeten time
o jo ska më mashtrime.
You Asked For It You Got It

Far So Far Away We Live
We blame each other
We dont trust eachother
Noo Noo ouu
Its better that we end this now
To forget the past
Even better to not remember it
Now it doesn't matter who we used to be
You are living without me i am living without you
There wont be dates eye to eye
The blame is on you this time
Forget someone who truly loved you
You are looking for something better You will find it
Its hard for me but for you its easy
you will ask back for me but it will be to late
What you asked for now you got
You wanted to be without me Now you are
You no longer hear my breath
O noo
You live with memories
I will find someone els
These are not just words but its what i feel
Now i think about my life
I will not be fooled anymore
Do you see that life changes
nothing in this life lasts forever
sometimes you lose sometimes you win
in this game someone will be a champion
This time there is no forgiveness for you
I will find my way
Do what you want you are free
But what i choose to do don't worry about it
You know how i am you know me really well
You were with me till yesterday You loved me so much but those were only words now you act like you don't see me Its not a problem live your life time will heal itself and then you will realize that you made a mistake that you lost something that you will not get back I went with other girls you understood but i never cheated on you i was with you and you were with me what happened now you changed so fast Maybe you listened to people what they said but its not right you will never succeed I don't care what you do or who you are with But i swear you will never have me because this is what you asked for and now you got now you see where i am and where you are now listen to these words i wrote them for you you will never hear me tell you that I LOVE YOU
Its not my fault i guess its meant to be
Me and you are only a forgotten history
We blame each other
We dont trust eachother
Noo Noo ouu
Its better that we end this now
To forget the past
Even better to not remember it
Now it doesn't matter who we used to be
You are living without me i am living without you
There wont be dates eye to eye
The blame is on you this time
Forget someone who truly loved you
You are looking for something better You will find it
Its hard for me but for you its easy
you will ask back for me but it will be to late
What you asked for now you got
You wanted to be without me Now you are
You no longer hear my breath
O noo
You live with memories
I will find someone els
These are not just words but its what i feel
Now i think about my life
I will not be fooled anymore
Do you see that life changes
nothing in this life lasts forever
sometimes you lose sometimes you win
in this game someone will be a champion
This time there is no forgiveness for you
I will find my way
Do what you want you are free
But what i choose to do don't worry about it
You know how i am you know me really well
You were with me till yesterday You loved me so much but those were only words now you act like you don't see me Its not a problem live your life time will heal itself and then you will realize that you made a mistake that you lost something that you will not get back I went with other girls you understood but i never cheated on you i was with you and you were with me what happened now you changed so fast Maybe you listened to people what they said but its not right you will never succeed I don't care what you do or who you are with But i swear you will never have me because this is what you asked for and now you got now you see where i am and where you are now listen to these words i wrote them for you you will never hear me tell you that I LOVE YOU
Its not my fault i guess its meant to be
Me and you are only a forgotten history
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