Baby G - I Win
Baby G
I Win

Zgjerohet videoteka e muzikës shqiptare, sepse ky produkt muzikor vjen i finalizuar tek artdhashësit i punuar në sferën vizuale edhe me anë të një klipi muzikor, i cili u publikua me datë 1 Qershor 2016.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Qa kom me ba, kom me ba
bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
Ti kesh me mu se kom me ba
bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
Prit edhe pak se kam me t'tregu
tregu kush jam, kush jam
Ca kam
Bitches folin mas shpine
bash qata jon in eh
Ju kisha dhon shum cmime ama jane deshtime
I know you lie me
but i never give a fuck for you
you you you

I win, I win

Ref 2x:
Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me where you at
I will be there, I will be there

Boy you can come
but if you come you'll go gone
I'm the female version of the Don
You think you got me, you were wrong
You thing you got me, you were wrong
you were wrong, you were wrong

Ama body-n body-n
ama body-n body-n
A je per party party
A je per party party
Ta tranoj djalin, djalin
ta tranoj djalin, djalin
dritat i kalli, kalli
zemren ta nali, nali

I win, I win

Sa here hyj mrena krejt kqyrin
prej permasit
Pa mu sun rrin si me pas emrin money

Ref 4x:
Tell me, tell me, Tell me, tell me
where you at
I will be there, I will be there

Rryma muzikore
Top 200
Komente 3