Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko

Bledari: Kam ardhur nga larg
Ne pluhurin e kohes gjeta re dhe mallkim
U gjenda une shume prane
e preka vec flak e zjarr
Un fola vec ne heshtje
desha pak jete lavdi
Dhe kur ndava endren
gjeta nje rreze drite
Pak fryme si ti ,
nje rreze drite pak fryme si ti
Adriani : I ardhur nga larg ,
ke etje ,
Ke mall kur sheh cdo gje qe ndryshon,
Vet jeta iken shkon tej,
kjo gjuhe po kerkon,
Ish vendi ku u linde rrite ,
ndave trimerine
E fale dashurine nder vite
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Na rriti kjo toke
Do flasim ne vec nje gjuhe
Keshtu sdo ket me lot
Do gjendesh kudo neper bote
I huaj me sdo jesh
Le te jet fillimi ri
Ne bashke ne vllazeri
Se kur ndava endrren gjeta nje rreze drite , pak fryme si ti
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Nje rreze drite pak fryme si ti
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Nje rreze drite pak fryme si ti
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Ne pluhurin e kohes gjeta re dhe mallkim
U gjenda une shume prane
e preka vec flak e zjarr
Un fola vec ne heshtje
desha pak jete lavdi
Dhe kur ndava endren
gjeta nje rreze drite
Pak fryme si ti ,
nje rreze drite pak fryme si ti
Adriani : I ardhur nga larg ,
ke etje ,
Ke mall kur sheh cdo gje qe ndryshon,
Vet jeta iken shkon tej,
kjo gjuhe po kerkon,
Ish vendi ku u linde rrite ,
ndave trimerine
E fale dashurine nder vite
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Na rriti kjo toke
Do flasim ne vec nje gjuhe
Keshtu sdo ket me lot
Do gjendesh kudo neper bote
I huaj me sdo jesh
Le te jet fillimi ri
Ne bashke ne vllazeri
Se kur ndava endrren gjeta nje rreze drite , pak fryme si ti
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Nje rreze drite pak fryme si ti
Vrapove ti gjete lirine
Nje rreze drite pak fryme si ti
Vrapove ti gjete lirine

Hey, hey
I came from afar
a curse and cloud in the time of dust found
was I very nearby and touched only fire wild
spoke in silence only, wished merely a glory
The dream I found, when parted out
a slight breath just you unlike, a gleam of light
a slight breath just you unlike, a gleam of light
Incoming from afar
seeing changes, a thirst, a yearning you've got
life itself gone, flies away, this language asks for
it was a place where you were born, shared the bravery
the love for years you had gifted
You ran, freedom you found
This land raised us
one language only speak we shall, no more tears hence
all around the world be, a stranger no more you shall
let the new start commence in communion and brotherhood
because the dream I found when I parted out
A gleam of light, a breath you unlike
you ran, freedom you found
I came from afar
a curse and cloud in the time of dust found
was I very nearby and touched only fire wild
spoke in silence only, wished merely a glory
The dream I found, when parted out
a slight breath just you unlike, a gleam of light
a slight breath just you unlike, a gleam of light
Incoming from afar
seeing changes, a thirst, a yearning you've got
life itself gone, flies away, this language asks for
it was a place where you were born, shared the bravery
the love for years you had gifted
You ran, freedom you found
This land raised us
one language only speak we shall, no more tears hence
all around the world be, a stranger no more you shall
let the new start commence in communion and brotherhood
because the dream I found when I parted out
A gleam of light, a breath you unlike
you ran, freedom you found
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