Blerta Kosova - There Will Be Fire
Blerta Kosova
There Will Be Fire

Materiali muzikor lansohet tek audienca i plotësuar në spektrin vizual edhe me një videoklip muzikor, për video produksionin e të cilit u përkujdes Katarzë Films, ndërsa për regjinë u kujdes Leart Rama. Ky videoklip u publikua me datë 24 Mars 2023. Autore e melodisë dhe autore e tekstit rezulton të jetë vetë këngëtarja.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Now let's admit it we've both been dry,
up and down arms around
Now it's a little bit too late now,
keep it in, it's alright
The air is getting a little too tight,
introspect, I'm getting tired
Now I don't wanna be face to face,
it's too hard, to learn to fly

There will be fire
There will be fire
There will be fire
There will be fire

We're on a roundabout of mistakes
bound to stay on our minds
Wouldn't we have it any other way,
a different day, not tonight
The air is getting a little too tight,
retrospect, and denial
Take what you can it's for grabs,
but don't be long
The earth won't hold on

There will be fire
There will be fire
There will be fire
There will be fire

I don't care
Keep me near
Don't let go


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