Cheryl Cole
Call My Name

How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
You got me confused by the way I change,
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
My name, say my name, baby...
Yes I love you say for the way I know we've been apart,
It's an endless circle of poison arrow to my heart...
Saying I-I-I,
I love what you do to me,
Need you to stay with me,
I love you too much to let go...
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
You got me confused by the way I change,
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
My name, say my name, baby... (x2)
It's a constant thought of my baby taking up my time,
It's enough to vision of you that's playing on my mind...
Saying I-I-I,
I love what you do to me,
Need you to stay with me,
I love you too much to let go...
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
You got me confused by the way I change,
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
My name, say my name baby... (x2)
Oh when you call my name,
Oh oh oh,
Oh when you call my name,
Oh oh oh,
Say my name baby... (x2)
You got me confused by the way I change,
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
My name, say my name, baby...
Yes I love you say for the way I know we've been apart,
It's an endless circle of poison arrow to my heart...
Saying I-I-I,
I love what you do to me,
Need you to stay with me,
I love you too much to let go...
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
You got me confused by the way I change,
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
My name, say my name, baby... (x2)
It's a constant thought of my baby taking up my time,
It's enough to vision of you that's playing on my mind...
Saying I-I-I,
I love what you do to me,
Need you to stay with me,
I love you too much to let go...
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
You got me confused by the way I change,
How'd you think I feel when you call my name,
My name, say my name baby... (x2)
Oh when you call my name,
Oh oh oh,
Oh when you call my name,
Oh oh oh,
Say my name baby... (x2)
Thirre Emrin Tim

Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Me ben konfuze ne menyren time dhe ndryshoj
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Emrin tim, thuje emrin tim, zemer...
Po Te dua e thua ne nje menyer kur kemi qen te ndar
Eshte nje qarkullim i helmuar drejt zemres sime...
Duke then Un-Un-Un
Me pelqen ajo cka me ben ti mua
Kam nevoj te rrish me mua,
Te dua aq shum sa per tet len te ikesh
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Me ben konfuze ne menyren time dhe ndryshoj
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Emrin tim, thuje emrin tim, zemer...(2x)
Eshte nje ndjenj konsante e zemres sime duke e marr kohen time
Eshte e mjaftueshme per vizionin ajo se cka ndodh ne koken time...
Duke then Un-Un-Un
Me pelqen ajo cka me ben ti mua
Kam nevoj te rrish me mua,
Te dua aq shum sa per tet len te ikesh
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Me ben konfuze ne menyren time dhe ndryshoj
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Emrin tim, thuje emrin tim, zemer...(2x)
Oh kur ti e therret emrin tim,
Oh oh oh,
Oh kur ti e therret emrin tim,
Oh oh oh,
Thuaje emrin tim zemer...(2x)
Me ben konfuze ne menyren time dhe ndryshoj
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Emrin tim, thuje emrin tim, zemer...
Po Te dua e thua ne nje menyer kur kemi qen te ndar
Eshte nje qarkullim i helmuar drejt zemres sime...
Duke then Un-Un-Un
Me pelqen ajo cka me ben ti mua
Kam nevoj te rrish me mua,
Te dua aq shum sa per tet len te ikesh
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Me ben konfuze ne menyren time dhe ndryshoj
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Emrin tim, thuje emrin tim, zemer...(2x)
Eshte nje ndjenj konsante e zemres sime duke e marr kohen time
Eshte e mjaftueshme per vizionin ajo se cka ndodh ne koken time...
Duke then Un-Un-Un
Me pelqen ajo cka me ben ti mua
Kam nevoj te rrish me mua,
Te dua aq shum sa per tet len te ikesh
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Me ben konfuze ne menyren time dhe ndryshoj
Si kujton ti se ndihem un kur ti e therret emrin tim
Emrin tim, thuje emrin tim, zemer...(2x)
Oh kur ti e therret emrin tim,
Oh oh oh,
Oh kur ti e therret emrin tim,
Oh oh oh,
Thuaje emrin tim zemer...(2x)
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