DarJa is a multi-skilled, Finnish businesswoman who has been venturing into many different areas during her career. This artist site focuses on her musical side
Hard working and open minded artist DarJa is s not only a producer, but also a songwriter who develops ideas with piano in her song factory, and likes to collaborate with other people in the music industry.

The first single released and also the first music video was abroad with Alida Duka. DarJa’s progress in her career has been quite unusual for a Finnish artist, as she has first become known for her music in the Balkan region.

Darja has worked closely with LiL G, a talented songwriter, and has been making music since 2002. She has performed in Albania and her music has been cast as a hit, especially in the Balkans (television shows and interviews: TV Klan, Top Channel). They have created together many songs, including the rap-ballad ’Where Are You Now’, which has captured hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube alone.

She has also collaborated with the television company BBF and Max Production. In addition to Finnish media, DarJa has been interviewed, among others, in the 10 million viewers Agon Channel (2015) as well as in Albanian newspapers (Arkiva News, Interview, Gazeta Max) etc. RTV, the largest television company in Germany, made an article of DarJa in 2017.

As an artist, DarJa will focus on rap in the future. In Finland, you can barely find a female gangsta rap artist who would sing in English.

Më datë 5 Janar 2016, Alida publikon videoklipin "Nese", në bashkëpunim me DarJën. Muzika e këngës u punua nga DarJa, ndërsa teksti u shkrua nga Alida.

Më datë 1 Shkurt 2016, Lil G publikon videoklipin "Where Are You Now", në bashkëpunim me DarJën. Muzika e këngës u punua nga DarJa, ndërsa teksti u shkrua nga Lil G & DarJa. Videoklipi u prodhua nga kompania MAX Production.

Më datë 12 Tetor 2017, Lil G publikon videoklipin "Jump Jump", në bashkëpunim me DarJën.

Më datë 23 Dhjetor 2017, Lil G publikon videoklipin "Peng Në Zemër", në bashkëpunim me DarJën. Muzika e këngës u punua nga DarJa, ndërsa teksti u shkrua nga Lil G.

Më datë 14 Prill 2019, Lil G publikon videoklipin "From The Hood", në bashkëpunim me DarJën.