Gabimi Behet Njehere

Fajet kush I ka tregom une a po ti
Zgjodhe rrugen qe s'ishte per ty
Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
Kshtu jan punet kur sheh shum larg me sy
fajet kush I ka tregom un a po ti
Zgjodhe rrugen qe sishte per ty
Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
Kshtu jan punet kur sheh shum larg me sy
Ref 2x: gabimi bahet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
Rrenat harxhohen shansat zvoglohet
Beso ma fundin ja ke nxjerr
Nuk e di pse e ul koken e po me thu se di
Ndoshta nuk te ban ndergjegja me me pa ne sy
Sdi sa her me premtove por vetem me fjal
tash tregom a meriton per me ta fal
fajet kush I ka tregom un a po ti
Zgjodhe rrugen qe sishte per ty
Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
Kshtu jan punet kur sheh shum larg me sy
Ref: gabimi behet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
Rrenat harxhohen shansa zvoglohe
Beso se fundin ia ke nxjerr [2X]
Zgjodhe rrugen qe s'ishte per ty
Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
Kshtu jan punet kur sheh shum larg me sy
fajet kush I ka tregom un a po ti
Zgjodhe rrugen qe sishte per ty
Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
Kshtu jan punet kur sheh shum larg me sy
Ref 2x: gabimi bahet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
Rrenat harxhohen shansat zvoglohet
Beso ma fundin ja ke nxjerr
Nuk e di pse e ul koken e po me thu se di
Ndoshta nuk te ban ndergjegja me me pa ne sy
Sdi sa her me premtove por vetem me fjal
tash tregom a meriton per me ta fal
fajet kush I ka tregom un a po ti
Zgjodhe rrugen qe sishte per ty
Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
Kshtu jan punet kur sheh shum larg me sy
Ref: gabimi behet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
Rrenat harxhohen shansa zvoglohe
Beso se fundin ia ke nxjerr [2X]
Mistakes Are Made Only Once

Tell me whos fault is it, yours or mine?
You chose the wrong path (path that wasnt for you)
This is the way it ends for girls like you
Its the way things go when you look too far ahead?
Ref: gabimi behet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
Rrenat harxhoehen shansat zvoglohen
Beso se fundin ia ke nxjerr
I dont know why you put your head down and say "i dont know"
Maybe your conscience wont let you look me in the eye
I dont know how many times you promised only with words
Now tell me do you deserve forgivness
You chose the wrong path (path that wasnt for you)
This is the way it ends for girls like you
Its the way things go when you look too far ahead?
Ref: gabimi behet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
Rrenat harxhoehen shansat zvoglohen
Beso se fundin ia ke nxjerr
I dont know why you put your head down and say "i dont know"
Maybe your conscience wont let you look me in the eye
I dont know how many times you promised only with words
Now tell me do you deserve forgivness
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