Muzika e këngës vjen e kompozuar nga vetë këngëtarët, ndërsa teksti ka punuar si autor Chip Deva.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
What have you done to me?
You caught my heart so easily
With your eye, with your smile with your style and your fingertips.
What have you done to me?
I'm lost as anyone can be.
Crawling down like ants on the floor
Craving to feel your eyes
Craving to hear your voice once more.
You hount me, you fool me, you know
Text me, pick me up and let's go
I want you to come around
Sit down, take off your fancy crown
My life is full but I'm so bored
I need to feel your eyes meet mine once more.
You hount me, you fool me, you know
Text me, pick me up and let's go
Crawling down,
I'm crawling down
Crawling down
I'm crawling down
Crawling down,
I'm crawling down
I'm crawling down
Like ants on the floor
You hount me, you fool me, you know
Text me, pick me up and let's go
You caught my heart so easily
With your eye, with your smile with your style and your fingertips.
What have you done to me?
I'm lost as anyone can be.
Crawling down like ants on the floor
Craving to feel your eyes
Craving to hear your voice once more.
You hount me, you fool me, you know
Text me, pick me up and let's go
I want you to come around
Sit down, take off your fancy crown
My life is full but I'm so bored
I need to feel your eyes meet mine once more.
You hount me, you fool me, you know
Text me, pick me up and let's go
Crawling down,
I'm crawling down
Crawling down
I'm crawling down
Crawling down,
I'm crawling down
I'm crawling down
Like ants on the floor
You hount me, you fool me, you know
Text me, pick me up and let's go
- Publikimi: 04/09/2019
- Ora: 12:00
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